New York Post

Well paid if not well read: Cuo takes 417G


Gov. Cuomo hauled in income of $417,748 last year thanks in large part to another six-figure royalty from his light-selling memoir, while Mayor de Blasio reported $220,651, according to tax returns they both released Tuesday.

The governor said he raked in another $218,100 from “All Things Possible: Setbacks and Success in Politics and Life,” a 2014 book that bombed on the sales racks.

The 500-page book has sold just 3,200 copies, according to the tracking company NPD BookScan.

But it provided a windfall for Cuomo.

His taxes in 2013 and 2014 showed he received $565,000 in advances and other payments in those years.

No income from the book was reported in 2015.

So his total take from taking pen to page has come to $783,000.

“This [latest] payment was contractua­l and per the agreement with the publisher [HarperColl­ins],” explained Cuomo spokeswoma­n Dani Lever.

Initially priced at $29.99, the book was available Tuesday on Amazon for $13.05.

Cuomo, whose salary as governor is $179,000, paid a total of $141,301 in taxes, or 33.7 percent.

He donated $20,000 to HELP USA, a nonprofit he founded decades ago to aid the homeless.

The mayor and his wife, Chirlane McCray, forked over $58,774 in federal, state and local taxes, or 26.6 percent of their income. She reported no income as a “writer.”

Two properties they own in Park Slope — one their former residence — generated $112,297 in rent.

But after depreciati­on, mortgage-interest payments and other write-offs, they were able to take a tax loss of $5,480.

The first couple contribute­d $2,008 to various charities — less than 1 percent of their income.

In 2014, before son Dante entered Yale University, the couple’s charitable contributi­ons totaled $7,215.

The returns showed Yale received $31,217 from the family, suggesting Dante is getting a scholarshi­p, since annual tuition, room and board at the Ivy League school comes in at $66,445.

The mayor released part of his returns on Twitter with a jab at President Trump, who claims he can’t release his filings until an IRS audit is completed.

“See, President Trump? It’s not that hard,” de Blasio tweeted.

Mollie Fullington, a spokeswoma­n for Republican mayoral hopeful Paul Massey, said he has filed for a standard extension and will release his tax returns when they’re done.

Dark-horse independen­t candidate Bo Dietl declined to release his filings.

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