New York Post

The Mayor’s Rent Games


For the second straight year, Mayor de Blasio’s Rent Guidelines Board has imposed a zero percent increase for one-year lease renewals. Care to bet what he’ll order up in 2017, when he’s running for re-election? In theory, the board is independen­t, and balances the needs of tenants and landlords. Historical­ly, it’s at least tried to do just that.

But de Blasio in 2013 campaigned on a rent freeze — and, as mayor, he picks all the board’s members.

Yes, the board actually granted a 1 percent bump on one-year leases back in 2014 — but that’s now a 1 percent bump over three years, and almost certainly four. Assuming the mayor doesn’t order a 2017 rent rollback.

After all, de Blasio defended this year’s freeze by noting, “Most New Yorkers are struggling.” If recession hits, they’ll be hurting more.

Fact is, rent freezes aren’t “free.” Even with fuel prices low, does anyone think the average owner’s costs are up just 1 percent these last three years? Please. For landlords, the freezes in effect

cuts — leaving less money for mainte- nance, let alone repairs and upgrades.

There’s a reason the board had never, ever before granted a freeze.

No wonder the Rent Stabilizat­ion Associatio­n, which represents owners, is suing. “This is a dangerous, out-of-control mayor desperate to pull up his approval rating at all costs, even if it means forcing independen­t rate-setting boards to advance his political agenda,” says RSA president Joseph Strasburg.

He notes how the mayor spent $1 million (of taxpayer cash) on ads to claim credit for last year’s freeze.

And on Tuesday the mayor again spent much of his day boasting about this year’s freeze, hitting NY1, WCBS 880 and 1010 WINS.

De Blasio had better be careful. The RSA and others just won a court ruling against the Water Board for abusing its powers to serve his political agenda.

Believe it or not, Mr. Mayor, city government isn’t a giant favor bank that you can use to buy votes and donations — not without buying a whole lot of trouble for everyone down the line.

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