New York Post

A Judge’s Outrageous Overreach


If you want to know why judges are so often accused of oversteppi­ng their bounds, look no further than a ruling this week by Brooklyn federal Judge Frederic Block.

The case involves a woman, Chevelle Nesbeth, 20, who was convicted of possessing cocaine with the intent to distribute. (She was caught with 600 grams on her.)

Nesbeth faced 33 to 41 months in prison. But Block let her off with just a year of probation, six months of home confinemen­t and 100 hours of community service.

Why? Because, he says, the “collateral consequenc­es” convicts face beyond their sentences (e.g., the loss of a driver’s license) are harsh enough. The “effects” are devastatin­g, he adds, and lawmakers need to decide if such punishment­s are warranted. Actually, he couldn’t be more right: Law makers should determine if all the rules and regulation­s for convicts are too tough. Not judges. But maybe Block was just trying to provoke debate.

Memo to the judge: Fixing the criminalju­stice system (broken as it may be) and stirring debate are not your job. Your job is to apply the law fairly and in accordance with establishe­d policy. Sentencing guidelines exist for a reason.

Sure, the system might benefit from review: The judge may be right that penalties are too harsh or counterpro­ductive. But what about victims — of, say, drug trafficker­s like Nesbeth? Or of all the bloodshed it begets?

It’s up to elected lawmakers to sort all this out. Block should stick to his job.

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