New York Post

Christie Scores on Rubio — But Who Really Wins?


l Gov. Chris Christie’s attacks on Marco Rubio are a prime example of the Republican circular firing squad (“Christie crushes robotic Rubio,” John Podhoretz, Feb. 7).

Ronald Reagan and William F. Buckley are rolling over in their graves at this unseemly attack.

What makes Christie’s attack all the more absurd and counterpro­ductive for Republican­s is that his words will be used by Democrats to neutralize the very important and absolutely correct analysis that Rubio articulate­d: President Obama has been far too successful in fundamenta­lly nullifying American exceptiona­lism at home and abroad. David Rabinovitz


l Rubio stands alone in polls as the one Republi can who can beat Hillary Clinton in the fall.

But don’t tell that to blowhard Christie, who focused his entire New Hampshire debate on cutting down Rubio’s rise. This narcissist might as well change parties. Christie personifie­s the politics of de struction — just look at Bridgegate or his friendship with President Obama.

Now he wants to either win the nomination or make sure whoever wins loses to Hillary or Bernie Sanders. Rich LePetri

Rockville Centre

lA Rubio presidency would be a nightmare for all Americans, not just Democrats. Rubio’s economic program consists primarily of importing foreign workers and exporting American jobs.

In 2013, Rubio’s Gang of Eight bill would have brought 11 million illegal immigrants into the legal workforce, and let in nearly 20 million legal immigrants over 10 years. Matthew Burwell

Cambridge, Mass.

 ??  ?? Sen. Marco Rubio
Sen. Marco Rubio

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