New York Post

The Donald’s Muslim Ban: Will It Turn the Terror Tide?


lHas any candidate with experience in Washington asked if there’s any aspect of Donald Trump’s proposal to temporaril­y ban Muslims from entering the United States that may have validity (“Trump & His Critics,” Editorial, Dec. 10)?

Instead of hysterical, selfservin­g, condemning speeches, a calm, mature, factual discussion could be reassuring. Something this country could use at this moment. Sally Farley

Freeport lWhy is Trump still a thing?

Despite all of his blatantly false, inflammato­ry, racist, sexist and xenophobic statements, he remains a frontrunne­r for the Republican nomination. Has political discourse in this country really degenerate­d to the point where campaigns have turned into lowbrow reality shows?

It’s only natural to be afraid right now. Danger is lurking, and our enemies want to hurt us — but now is the time to be brave. Bravery is doing what’s right and good and noble, despite being afraid. Trump doesn’t want you to be brave. He wants you to cower in fear and build walls (emotionall­y and physically). Chuck Russell Ishpeming, Mich. lTrump, I’m quite sure, isn’t bothered at all by the vicious treatment he’s been receiving in the liberal media, both print and electronic, but I am.

We’re at war with radical Islam — there’s no way to sugarcoat it.

Trump has been the only one with the courage to come forward and say “enough.” Except for Sens. Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and Ben Carson, the candidates in the Republican primary are timid, spineless, politicall­y correct specimens that offer us no chance whatsoever to turn our country around and rebuild what President Obama has destroyed. Fred Spellman Port Washington lTrump’s call to bar all Muslims from entering the United States is deeply offensive. This is the latest in his litany of demonizing minorities, including Muslims, refugees, Latinos, AfricanAme­ricans and gays.

He’s sowing the seeds of hatred against these people, who, for the most part, are lawabiding citizens. It’s gratifying to see Muslims speaking out in defense of their faith.

However, it would be helpful if Muslims could be more introspect­ive about their faith and the terrorist attacks done in the name of Islam.

Jagjit Singh Los Altos, Calif. lThe rise of Trump isn’t an enigma, it’s perfectly understood by the American people.

It’s the ultimate consequenc­e of abuse inflicted on the citizenry by the entrenched political class across this country and its corporate cronies — shoving down our throats gross programs, policies and regulation­s repeatedly rejected by the American people.

Carolyn Neal

Los Angeles, Calif. lI’m not defending Trump, but liberals saying that Trump’s proposal violates everything America stands for is hypocritic­al, as many of their policies violate the vision and ideals of our Founding Fathers. Not to mention plenty of what Obama’s done is unconstitu­tional. Alan Fenster

Flushing lShould Trump become our next president, I and many others I know will leave the country.

If Trump’s elected, the United States will become the laughingst­ock of the world, and it’s entirely possible that Trump, with his huge ego, big mouth and total lack of any diplomatic skill or indepth knowledge of politics, will spur World War III. Brenda Nicholls

Manhattan lIslamic extremists are responsibl­e for terrorist attacks on the general public because we don’t share their Muslim faith.

How are we going to deal with this group of people who, as part of their religion, slaughter us because we’re infidels?

I don’t know how to stop this wave of terror; so Trump’s proposal of stopping Muslim entry into this country makes sense to me. Charles Stark


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