New York Post

Rockers relive the Bataclan massacre


The American rock band whose soldout concert turned into a nightmaris­h scene of carnage that left at least 89 dead in Paris have spoken out for the first time since the slaughter at the Bataclan.

“Several people hid in our dressing room and the killers were able to get in and killed every one of them except for a kid who was hiding under my leather jacket,” Jesse Hughes, the frontman of the Eagles of Death Metal, told Vice.

“People were playing dead and they were so scared.”

Hughes and the rest of the band got out of the venue unharmed, fleeing the stage as the shooting began and later escaping onto the street via a backstage door.

He said that many of the concertgoe­rs lost their lives trying to protect their friends.

“A great reason why so many were killed is because so many wouldn’t leave their friends,” Hughes said. “So many people put themselves in front of people.”

Hughes and t he band’s cofounder , Jo s h Homme, who also f ro nt s Queens of t he Stone Age and was not with the band for t he Bata cl a n conce r t , sa i d the band lost many fans and at least four employees, including merchandis­e manager Nick Alexander.

Two suicide bombers who were holding dozens of show attendees hostage in the building detonated their explosives­laden vests after a tense hour of negotiatio­ns in which they reportedly ranted about Syria and asked to speak to the media.

A third gunman was shot by police and finished off when his vest exploded as he hit the ground.

The widespread violence caused the Eagles of Death Metal to halt their tour plans as they continue to process the senseless terror attacks.

“While the band is now home safe, we are horrified and still trying to come to terms with what happened in France,” they said in a Facebook statement Wednesday. They also posted a redesigned image of their “Peace, Love and Death Metal” album artwork that featured the French flag.

“Vive la musique, vive la liberté, vive la France, and vive EODM,” they wrote.

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