New York Post

Hillary’s Silent ‘ Speech’


Finally: Hillary Clinton will come clean today, putting to rest months of urgent questions about her endless scandals and, once and for all, laying out just where she stands on the issues. Not. No, Hillary’s campaign-relaunch— a grand spectacle, complete with marching band and a “major” speech on Roosevelt Island — won’t tell voters much more about the candidate than they already know. ( Or, when it comes to those scandals, don’t know.)

Saying nothing she doesn’t have to, after all, is her strategy.

Facing no real opposition from fellow Democrats, she figures she’s a shooin for her party’s nomination. Why say anything that might risk alienating anyone?

Better to just fall on the ball and run out the clock — even if the game is barely into the first quarter.

Consider her ( limited) appearance after revelation­s about her private email server: She did it at the United Nations, and only took a few questions— mostly from the foreign press. No one learned anything from the event— except that she’d already deleted the emails she thought weren’t important.

Since then, she’s made almost no major public appearance­s, and taken even fewer questions from serious, probing reporters.

The upshot: She hasn’t taken a stand on most of the top issues — such as, say, the Iran nuclear talks, ISIS, the Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p freetrade deal, or our onagain, offagain economy.

Mayor de Blasio is right to skip the Roosevelt Island shindig — because he won’t learn anything about Hillary’s “larger vision for addressing income inequality.”

Fact is, if Clinton’s poll numbers weren’t headed south, she wouldn’t have even bothered to stage today’s event.

A CNN poll this month, for one, shows 57 percent of Americans don’t think Clinton is honest or trustworth­y. Only 47 percent think she “cares about” people like them.

Actually, it speaks volumes that, even without a serious rival in the race, she still feels forced to defend herself.

Hmm. If trends keep up, Hillary one day might actually feel forced to say something.

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