New York Post

Daily Horoscope

- Sally Brompton


(July 24Aug. 23) Sometimes you can be too harsh on yourself, especially when you fail to live up to the impossibly high standards you set yourself. You need to be a bit more forgiving of yourself today. Despite what some people say you are only human!


(Aug. 24Sept. 23) Someone, will feel the sharp edge of your tongue today, and no doubt they deserve it, but later you may have second thoughts and wish you had not been quite so scathing. Don't apologize but let them know it's now over and done with.


(Sept. 24Oct. 23) You may be surprised that someone you know socially is prepared to put your interests ahead of their own but you should not be. For quite some time they have been trying to tell you that they think of you as

more than just a friend!


(Oct. 24Nov. 22) Mars in your sign indicates that the quickest way to get the results you desire is to go all out to transform your current situation. Drastic decisions will have to be made and, having made them, your life won't be the same again but much, much better.


(Nov. 23 Dec. 21) Nothing is impossible. Some things, of course, may be more difficult and take more time than others but you can still find a way to realize your dreams. You will realize them quicker if you learn from those who have been there and done it already.


(Dec. 22 Jan. 20) There is so much going on in the world at the moment that you may be having trouble making sense of it all but if you keep your eyes and ears open today you will see or hear something that gives you the guidance you seek. Stay sharp.


(Jan. 21 Feb. 19) Be precise in what you say. If you leave your words vague no one will know what it is you are trying to communicat­e and, as a consequenc­e, nothing much will get done. Don't worry about hurting other people's feelings only the truth matters.


(Feb. 20Mar. 20) Something will get under your skin to such an extent today that you may get a bit fanatical about it. Yes, of course, it is interestin­g and yes, of course, it is important but don't shout and scream about

it or you will turn people off.

ARIES (March 21April 20) You are in an adventurou­s mood and you will certainly want to explore further afield than usual today. However, Mars, your ruler, warns you should not stray into areas where you do not know your way around. Always know where the exit is!


(April 21May 21) You want to be active, and that's good, but don't expect others to be as motivated as you. Not everyone shares your passion for making things work and this may be one of those days when the only way to get things done is to do them yourself.


(May 22June 21)

Whatever you turn your hand to today it will work out better than you expected. One of your strengths is that you are always willing to give something a go especially when the doubters tell you it cannot be done. Have fun proving them wrong.


(June 22July 23) Sometimes you lack selfbelief but the danger today is that you will go right the other way and try to prove yourself by undertakin­g a task that is clearly too much for you. Get the balance right: only do what you feel comfortabl­e with.

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