New York Post

The IRS Smirks


That was quick. During a congressio­nal hearing Monday night, IRS Commission­er John Koskinen — an attorney — asserted the IRS had done nothing criminal. Rep. Trey Gowdy (RSC), then asked what criminal statutes he relied on to reach that judgment. Koskinen admitted he hadn’t looked at any.

Less than 24 hours later, America’s top official for archiving federal records, David Ferriero, appeared before Congress. He said the IRS “did not follow the law.”

Not that this will have much effect on Commission­er Koskinen, as smug and imperious as any bureaucrat you will met. Throughout these hearings, he’s come across less as a profession­al determined to restore the good name of the IRS than a Democratic Party hack who thinks the IRS is the victim here. In that, he’s largely been abetted by a press corps that will show no interest in this scandal absent some link to the White House.

In response, some are calling for a special prosecutor. We do not join them. Better that Congress use the powers the framers gave it, including the power of the purse.

So we are pleased the House Appropriat­ions Committee has responded by slashing the IRS budget. Coming on top of cuts made earlier this year, it would bring the IRS budget down to 2008 levels.

Yes, the Senate could fight it. But so what? If Democratic senators want to spend this election year defending the IRS and saying it deserves more taxpayer dollars, let them.

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