New York Daily News

Our mad king rants as people die


Brooklyn: It becomes clearer by the day that we have a sado-narcissist at our national helm who seems to delight in the misery of his countrymen and women and is obsessed with destroying our nation as he leaves. Someday, we may learn all of his motives, but it seems as if he is softening us up for his benefactor, Putin. Why else would he want to withdraw all troops from Afghanista­n unless he is setting a trap for Joe Biden that will compromise his presidency? We know from Trump’s previous statements that he doesn’t care at all about our “suckers” and “losers.”

Then, of course, we have the constant denigratio­n of masks, the wearing of which we know for a fact prevents the spread of COVID-19. Trump is indirectly responsibl­e for many of the deaths of his supporters who have followed him into the jaws of disease and destructio­n.

In a perfectly just world, he’d be charged with reckless endangerme­nt and manslaught­er, but on he goes like a malevolent Energizer Bunny. The Mad King is on a tear. At least King George III had a medical excuse for his craziness. Ed Temple

I am shocked, just shocked that Barack Obama compared President Trump to comic book character Richie Rich. “I thought that the model [for conservati­ves] wouldn’t be Richie Rich. The complainin­g, lying, doesn’t-take-responsibi­lityfor-anything type of figure.” Russel Harvey replied: “Richie Rich, which was created by my late father, Alfred Harvey, had none of the negative traits that Obama erroneousl­y claims he does in his foolish, ignorant, mean spirited rant, which I take as a personal attack on my father’s life’s work. Richie Rich is good, kind, honest and helpful. His true wealth, as my father always said, is that he is ’rich in thinking, and values family, friendship and good deeds above all else.’ These are attributes Obama, and all of us, should strive for, not disparage.

Michael Pickering

There is little doubt that in an ideal world the Democrats in Washington are proposing far better stimulus alternativ­e bills than the Republican­s. However, for months Unlike Joe Biden, now, nothing has been done to help President Trump is his own man. struggling Americans. This needs He makes the decisions and will not to change now! As the saying goes: be pushed by anyone. Neverthele­ss, 10% of something beats 100% of Trump will no doubt concede ” nothing. It’s time for our so-called when the time is right for him. And leaders in Washington to get togethbesi­des, Trump is merely following er and make a deal. Delaying action the instructio­ns that Hillary Clinton a day more is unacceptab­le. gave to Biden, which is not to Rich Kahn concede under any circumstan­ces.

But now that the tables are turned,

Democrats can’t stand it. And because they are hounding him,

Trump may take longer to concede.


Karl Wahala

JoAnn Lee Frank about suicide. You and he owe your readers an apology. Steve Ostlund


To Voicer Ora Reed: I am more than up to date on current events. You didn’t even address my letter correctly. I never wrote about the stimulus package. I wrote how uncompassi­onate Nancy Pelosi is by flaunting her Democratic wealth, while the rest of the people in this country are suffering. You can send your ice cream to Ms. Pelosi since you’re such of fan of hers. That’s the real scoop.

King of All Media?

Why are the opinions of Howard Stern, a person who used to have a popular radio show, often quoted on the front page of your digital edition? He does not seem to have any special knowledge of psychology, politics, medicine or science. Why would his opinions be more informed than anyone else’s? And who cares what he thinks?

Prime prime-time

Congratula­tions to Cedric the Entertaine­r for an inspiring, educationa­l and thought-provoking episode of “The Neighborho­od.” He was able to tackle injustice that we have all, unfortunat­ely, witnessed. He eloquently taught us all a great lesson and appreciati­on for one another. I hope everyone tunes in and watches this episode. It’s important to understand what others experience and how we can help each other navigate these difficult situations. Thank you, Cedric, for educating the masses and working toward bringing us all together!


Woodside: Mayor de Blasio, graffiti is destroying our beautiful city of New York. I am suggesting a solution to the ever-growing problem: Anyone who is caught vandalizin­g any public area with graffiti should be required to do community service by cleaning up the said graffiti or other graffiti in that neighborho­od. This punishment may deter the behavior.

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