New York Daily News

If it’s your birthday


The sun and Mercury enter your birth sign on your birthday, which is about your expanding presence in the world. Focus your mind and your intentions, and you’ll discover that you have a profound influence on those around you. There’s no substitute for wisdom, which comes not from the opinions of others, but rather from inside you. You share a birthday with Jean-Paul Sartre, Edward Snowden and Juliette Lewis. APRIL 20-MAY 20 Venus and the moon in your birth sign as a new season begins remind you that you’ve got everything you need, to live the life you want. By that I mean personal resources: an endearing personalit­y, some actual talent and some love in your heart. Show the world what you can do. JULY 23-AUG. 22 What you discover about yourself today can change the course of your life, in the most positive way. Yet profound personal revelation­s, as important as they are, can be easy to forget or overlook. Spend some time alone, and keep your journal handy. Be open to receiving the gift of self-discovery. AUG. 23-SEPT. 22 Your true standing with the world comes not from what you do or do not accomplish, but from who you are. This is difficult to recognize in a world that rewards only achievemen­t or, alternatel­y, regards everyone as a special snowflake. You have much more going for you than that. SEPT. 23-OCT. 22 The sun and Mercury join forces on the career and reputation angle of your chart today — a rare event, suggesting that you’re aligned with something far bigger and better than you expected. Don’t be surprised if it comes your way. Merely do your best work, and rise to the occasion. OCT. 23-NOV. 21 We live in a time when there’s profound resistance to growing up, and when it’s never been more urgent that people take responsibi­lity for their world. That’s exactly what you’re being called upon to do. This is a matter of ethics, and you’re the one who can see right from wrong. NOV. 22-DEC. 21 When you make a promise or commit yourself to something (or someone), there’s always a gamble. You never know for sure how things are going to turn out. It is, however, wise to guide things in a positive direction at the outset, because that’s where the seed of manifestat­ion is planted. DEC. 22-JAN. 19 Today there is a beautiful, rare conjunctio­n on your relationsh­ip angle, which describes a new involvemen­t or the deepening of an existing one. Remember that one key to happiness is passion, and the other is communicat­ion. They are not mutually exclusive; they contain one another. JAN. 20-FEB. 18 It’s often said that Americans put too much emphasis on work, though the real question is one of quantity versus quality. It would seem that you, anyway, are about to accomplish an abundance of unusually excellent things. Remember, your work feeds you — and the world around you. FEB. 19-MARCH 20 Today, Mercury and the sun have moved into the most passionate and creative angle of your solar chart. If you feel like life has in any way been holding out on you, you’re unlikely to be feeling that way for long. Remember: Want you want, and reach for it. The tree of life is reaching back to you.

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