New York Daily News


- UNDAY’S OSCARS William H. Kendra Kassebaum

Sceremony and the likely Trump jabs that will come with it will bring on the usual conservati­ve broadsides about Hollywood being a bubble full of liberals promoting a left-wing agenda, but is not buying it. “The world has always been reflected in Hollywood,” says Macy, who got a supporting actor nomination for “Fargo” in 1997. “You know, some conservati­ves would like to say it’s a big conspiracy, but I live in this town. There are all kinds of people here. A lot of my friends voted for ,alot of my friends didn’t, a lot of my friends didn’t vote. A lot of my friends are gay, a lot are straight. “This town is not homogenous. It’s liberal, but (writers) are not trying to hit some political agenda. They’re trying to find a story that will resonate with people.” If that’s a non-issue, the perpetual Caucasian domination of the awards is decidedly not, agrees Macy, who last year expressed support for those boycotting the ceremony – but he said imposing an ethnic quota on nominees, as some have suggested, would be “stupid.”

“You have to have four white guys, four black guys – no. It is all about the work.”

Rather, says Macy, if you want to diversify the nominees, diversify the Academy.

“There’s no conspiracy – it’s the makeup of the Academy that’s the only problem,” he said. “It’s mostly a bunch of white guys, and we gravitate to our own. I’m guilty of it too.”

Such issues aside, Macy believes we’re in the midst of a “golden age” in Hollywood, due to the booming number of television outlets.

“Now everybody is working,” he said. “Now to tell a story successful­ly for a couple of years on television, you just need a couple of million people. You don’t need a quarter of the country (watching), and so all of our stories are getting told and there’s brilliant work being done. How did that happen? It wasn’t political; it was technology, that’s the way it happened. We live in America. Things work out.” Legendary anchorman got a shoutout from the stage following a performanc­e of “Come From Away.” The show is based on a 2010 documentar­y Brokaw did, which told the story of a town in Newfoundla­nd that welcomed 6,579 stranded passengers following the closure of American airspace on 9/11. The town briefly doubled its population by doing so. The 77-year-old newsman got wild applause from audience members at the Gerald Schoenfeld Theatre when actor made everyone aware he was in the house.

 ??  ?? Tom Brokaw
Tom Brokaw
 ??  ?? President Trump
President Trump

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