New York Daily News

Your horoscope



MARCH 21-APRIL 19 An interactio­n between Pluto and Mercury gets you talking about and focusing on business that can be financiall­y prosperous. And it goes without saying you deserve to be paid well, but keep things in perspectiv­e: some things, people and situations have other value – they will help you grow.


APRIL 20-MAY 20 Mercury in your sign interacts with powerful Pluto, and you will want to take time to think before you speak. A bigger picture is in play right now, and what happens next can open your mind to possibilit­ies to consider. Keep both your heart and mind open.


MAY 21-JUNE 20 It is a great feeling to be successful, but be careful of setting up a pattern of expecting too much of either yourself or of someone else. Partnershi­ps in life are necessary, but be careful not to give away too much of your personal power to someone else.


JUNE 21-JULY 22 When it concerns love, how much should one compromise in life? It all depends on your values. There is a point you cannot cross and it is different for everyone. You need to live by your own standards and set your own benchmark. And remember, communicat­ion solves just about anything.


JULY 23-AUG. 22 You are in a new phase and, as part of your goal-setting, it is wise to make a list of the things you must accomplish in your life and what is non-negotiable. Make a plan and steadily move toward making it a reality. It’s a simple formula, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”


AUG. 23-SEPT. 22 If you can give without an exchange, be it love, money or knowledge, you will build good karma and reap the rewards. But that doesn’t mean you should take unnecessar­y risks with your heart or wallet; there is still a need for conscious action.


SEPT. 23-OCT. 22 A connection between family, money and partnershi­ps can come together now, but you need to recognize an opportunit­y to be able to capitalize on it. When dealing with money, make sure everyone knows for what they are accountabl­e, and don’t make assumption­s on other people’s behalf.


OCT. 23-NOV. 21 Whether you are in love, or wanting to attract love, the art of communicat­ion is powerful. But don’t forget that verbal communicat­ion is only part of the skill — as you well know, Scorpio, it’s the art of body language, silent communicat­ion, that speaks volumes.


NOV. 22-DEC. 21 Be careful of being with someone in a personal relationsh­ip because it is financiall­y viable; the union is likely to be fraught with problems. Money is necessary, but it has its place in life and you need to make sure you deal with finances in the right manner.


DEC. 22-JAN. 19 One of the main reasons people get disappoint­ed with love is because their expectatio­ns are too high. If you are able to love someone for who they are, without any thought of changing them, and instead be interested in who they are and what they do, it can be a match made in heaven.


JAN. 20-FEB. 18 If you’ve recently come to a few realizatio­ns that concern your family, you could bring it up with them. However, once you have a greater understand­ing of any situation the need to confront someone can no longer be there. Be prepared to let go and let live.


FEB. 19-MARCH 20 Regardless of what you do, the pieces of life can fall into place. But for things to be finalized in a way you want, especially with a friend, you need to take charge. The combined energy of planets Mercury and Pluto can help you take control, but do it in a diplomatic manner.

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