New York Daily News

Bloodbath born of bigots


They were two hate-filled, bigoted municipal employees interactin­g in one department. Now 13 innocent people are dead in unspeakabl­e carnage. One man spent his free time writing frightenin­g, NRA-loving, hate-filled screeds on Facebook about the other’s religion.

The other man quietly stewed and brewed his bigotry, collecting the kind of arsenal that the Facebook poster would have envied.

What they didn’t realize is that except for their different religions they were in many ways similar men who even had the same job.

One man, the Muslim, was a loser who had to travel all the way to Saudi Arabia to get himself an email bride. (I refuse to add to their fame by using the killer and his murderous wife’s names.)

That wife radicalize­d him and fueled his hatred. The FBI is investigat­ing her ties to al Qaeda and ISIS. Go to the Middle East, meet your new wife, meet some terror leaders, begin your wedded bliss back in the USA.

The other man, the victim, Nicholas Thalasinos, was a radical born again Christian/messianic Jew, who also connected with his future wife online (pictured together r.) and had traveled across the country to meet her.

The killer, however, became half of an Islamic Bonnie & Clyde, while the other died as the male equivalent of Pamela Geller.

The killers deserve every disgusting adjective thrown at them. And more.

But the victim is also inaccurate­ly being eulogized as a kind and loving religious man.

Make no mistake, as disgusting and deservedly dead as the hatefilled fanatical Muslim killers were, Thalasinos was also a hate-filled bigot. Death can’t change that. But in the U.S., we don’t die for speaking our minds. Or we’re not supposed to anyway.

Thalasinos was an antigovern­ment, anti-Islam, pro-NRA, rabidly anti-Planned Parenthood kinda guy, who posted that it would be “freaking awesome” if hateful Ann Coulter was named head of Homeland Security. He asked, “1. EVERY POLITICIAN IS BOUGHT AND PAID FOR? 2. EVERY POLITICIAN IS A MORON? 3. EVERY POLITICIAN IS RACIST AGAINST JEWS?” He also posted screeds like, “You can stick your Muslim Million Man march up your asses,” and how “Hashem” should blow up Iran.

His Facebook page warns that “Without HEALTHY PREGNANT WOMAN (Democrats) would have NO SOURCE of BABIES to SACRIFICE and SELL!”

We have freedom of speech but even so, a city worker should refrain from such public bigotry. Municipal workers have been fired for spewing and posting racial and sexual slurs.

On the other side, the killer and his jihad-loving Pakistani wife were keeping their hatred quiet, while legally assembling an arsenal of assault weapons and 7,000 rounds of ammo, and illegally making 15 pipe bombs under their neighbors’ noses. Whatever spurred the carnage, the end result was the murder and maiming of innocent people enjoying a holiday party.

Keeping an arsenal is a protected right, but using the term, “Christmas” party? Now that could be trouble.

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