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JULY 23-AUG. 22 Your star chart is on fire now, and although you have many things to focus on, the overall energy indicates that you’re moving into a new phase of your life. Be prepared to discard some things to make room for new ones. Don’t let anyone tempt you to make a financial move you know isn’t right.


AUG. 23-SEPT. 22 Mercury, your ruler, interacts with Pluto, the planet of transforma­tion, and a conversati­on can change the status of your relationsh­ip. This weekend is a perfect time to gather your thoughts and decide what you want to say. Your imaginatio­n can open many doors for you right now.


SEPT. 23-OCT. 22 With the combined energy of planets interactin­g this weekend, friends can keep you grounded if you get tempted to go off on tangents. Family matters are up for discussion, and you may make some life-changing decisions. Regardless of what happens, carefully consider your next moves.


OCT. 23-NOV. 21 Don’t let the events of the past week consume you as you try to enjoy this weekend. Instead, spend time catching up with friends. A deep and meaningful discussion with someone you care about can provide informatio­n about a situation you may previously have had trouble understand­ing.


NOV. 22-DEC. 21 If you’ve been waiting to get paid for work you’ve done, then Mercury, the planet of commerce, and powerful Pluto, connect to push things in the right direction. Have faith, Sagittariu­s, things can suddenly change, and you can be the beneficiar­y of someone else’s decision.


DEC. 22-JAN. 19 Your life is about to take a favorable turn, so make sure you keep your thoughts on where you want to be heading. Pluto, in your sign, interacts with Mercury, the planet of communicat­ion and commerce, meaning that a long-distance business opportunit­y can boost your confidence and your finances.


JAN. 20-FEB. 18 With so much going on in and around your life, It’s okay to feel overwhelme­d. There’s lots to think about and many decisions to make, especially regarding business and and money, but don’t neglect your own life. Take time this weekend to relax and reflect on life, and you can bounce ideas of loved ones.


FEB. 19-MARCH 20 The moon, now opposite your sign, can make your life seem a little unreal, but over the next few days, it also offers you helps you to make a decision. Mercury also in this area of your chart, the area of relationsh­ips, interacts with Pluto and highlights how a deep friendship can become an intimate relationsh­ip.


MARCH 21-APRIL 19 As Mercury and Pluto interact, new business prospects are highlighte­d. But before you give them the green light, make sure they’ll jell with your plans for your life. But don’t spend all of your time thinking about business; love and romance are also in your stars right now. Enjoy life, and what it offers every day.


APRIL 20-MAY 20 Home and relationsh­ips remain your focus. And if you can find some time to do some deep thinking, it’ll be possible to resolve a problem that’s been troubling you. Once you’ve gathered enough informatio­n, you’ll be able to decide what course of action to take. Then you can more forward with purpose and certainty.


MAY 21-JUNE 20 Mercury, your ruling planet, interacts with power planet Pluto and can bring to the surface a monetary matter concerning family, perhaps something that needs to be finalized. This weekend could be the perfect time to have a candid conversati­on and get a matter settled; you’ll be glad you did.


JUNE 21-JULY 22 Money matters, like redoing your budget, could occupy your time this weekend. And informatio­n you’ve been waiting for could come, too. Before you choose, weigh your options and what steps to take. On a personal note, a relationsh­ip may seem fine, but if you need to have a heart-to-heart, trust your instincts.

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