New York Daily News

There’s a big lie at the center of the Iran nuclear deal


In his news conference last week, President Obama repeated his main pitch for the new Iran nuclear deal, claiming “we built in a one-year breakout time” — that is, how long it would take Iran to produce enough highly enriched uranium for a nuclear weapon, if it broke the agreement and rushed to do so. But repeating a lie does not make it true.

The President's claim is based on three phony assumption­s: 1) that an Iranian nuclear weapon would require about 60 pounds of highly enriched uranium; 2) that Iran would start with no more than 660 pounds of very low enriched uranium; and 3) that Iran could use only about 5,000 centrifuge­s for enrichment.

Three more realistic assumption­s reveal that Iran’s breakout time under the deal would be only about three months, not much longer than it is today.

First, a widely cited study by the Natural Resources Defense Council reports that even a bomb-maker with “low technical capability” would need less than 30 pounds of highly enriched uranium to make a nuclear weapon with an explosive yield approachin­g that of the Hiroshima atomic bomb. (The study says a “high technical capability” bomb-maker could do it with just 9 pounds.) If Iran needs at most 30 pounds, not the 60 assumed by Obama, the breakout time is cut in half from 12 to 6 months.

Second, contrary to Obama’s repeated promises, the deal’s fine-print allows Iran to keep uranium enriched to nearly 20%, which incorporat­es nine-tenths of the enrichment needed for weapons-grade, thereby providing a massive head-start to the bomb.

“All remaining uranium oxide enriched to between 5% and 20% will be fabricated into fuel for the Tehran Research Reactor (TRR),” says the agreement. This means Iran gets to retain hundreds of pounds of near 20%-enriched uranium in solid form, which could be converted to gas in weeks for further enrichment to weapons-grade. Even if Iran diverted only one-sixth of this uranium stockpile, it could cut the breakout time by another third, from 6 to 4 months.

Third, in a real-world dash for the bomb, Iran would use not merely the 5,000 centrifuge­s it is allowed to operate under the agreement, but some of the 14,000 extra centrifuge­s it is permitted to keep ostensibly as backup.

Even Harvard University supporters of the deal concede that reconstitu­ting backup centrifuge­s is “not a prohibitiv­ely lengthy task” and could be accomplish­ed in as soon as “weeks.” During the first two months of a breakout, Iran could reinstall a thousand more efficient second-generation centrifuge­s, nearly doubling its enrichment capacity, thereby reducing the breakout time by another month, from 4 to 3 months.

But breakout time is only one example of how the new agreement delivers much less than had been promised. Rather than “anytime, anywhere” inspection­s, it provides for a 24-day request to access suspicious facilities, including military sites, during which time Iran could hide or destroy evidence of cheating.

The agreement also permits Iran, after 10 years, to develop much more efficient centrifuge­s to massively expand its enrichment capacity. Breakout time would shrink to mere days, so that Iran could produce enough highly enriched uranium for a bomb before we even knew it, let alone could take action to prevent it.

In return for marginally constraini­ng its nuclear program, Iran would receive not marginal but total lifting of sanctions. This is dangerousl­y asymmetric. The windfall just from unfreezing its assets is estimated at over $100 billion, which could fund Iran’s nuclear program, regional aggression and terrorism.

Proponents of the deal ask “What is the alternativ­e?” The answer is to tell Iran that we would be willing to lift all sanctions — but only if it really freezes its nuclear program — and to threaten surgical air strikes if Iran expands its program in pursuit of the bomb.

Obama suggests that the threat of another war is too horrible to contemplat­e and that “we give nothing up by testing whether or not this problem can be solved peacefully” by making concession­s to Iran in return for pledges of cooperatio­n. A very similar argument led to ceding Germany a big chunk of Czechoslov­akia, which enhanced the Nazis’ wealth and power, to obtain “peace for our time.” By refusing to stand strong and risk a small war in 1938, we got a much deadlier one soon after. Congress should keep that history in mind as it contemplat­es appeasing Iran.

Kuperman is associate professor and coordinato­r of the Nuclear Proliferat­ion Prevention Project at the University of Texas at Austin, and editor of “Nuclear Terrorism and Global Security: The Challenge of Phasing out Highly Enriched Uranium.”

Obama’s promised 1-year breakout is a fiction

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