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Cancer JUNE 21-JULY 22 Expect different business options to be presented to you for considerat­ion, but don’t be too influenced by what others do or say. You decide which way to proceed. The choices you make today will set the ground rules for tomorrow, so choose carefully. Leo JULY 23-AUG. 22 The start of something has an air of success about it, but don’t start celebratin­g before things are finalized. Until you sign off on a project, it is wise to keep tight-lipped, even to those who are closest to you. When you are at the 11th hour, you don’t want informatio­n ending up in the hands of the wrong people. Virgo AUG. 23-SEPT. 22 It is not always wise to be too friendly with people you work with. At the end of the day, business is business. When you become too familiar with people on a profession­al level, it can be difficult to negotiate the best deal for yourself. When you put distance between you and others, it can work to your advantage. Libra SEPT. 23-OCT. 22 Travel may be on your mind, but if it’s not possible to take a trip now, a visit to the travel agent or research on the Internet can set plans in motion for when the time is right. If you are on a budget, don’t overcommit yourself, as this will only cause additional stress. The idea to get away is partly to reduce stress, not add to it. Scorpio OCT. 23-NOV. 21 When it concerns business, be careful you don’t consult people who haven’t got the knowledge you need to finalize a job. Friends may have your best interests at heart, but if you need profession­al advice, it’s best to ask someone who specialize­s in the area under discussion. Sagittariu­s NOV. 22-DEC. 21 Love planet Venus comes out of retrograde today and has a strong influence on your personal life. Don’t assume anything. If you think you know someone well, this week could prove you wrong. When you find out someone’s secrets, it can shed a whole new light on why they are like they are. Have an open mind and heart. Capricorn DEC. 22-JAN. 19 If you want to be an effective leader, learn to delegate. It’s a valuable business skill to appoint people to handle tasks you don’t need to do. When you learn to manage time and people, you can move up the ladder of success. However, make sure you pass jobs to people who have the required skill set; otherwise you will only create more work for yourself. Aquarius JAN. 20-FEB. 18 If you have a heartfelt wish for love to enter your life, passion and romance are now possible. Keep your eyes open for the perfect partner, but be realistic with your list. When you have an exact image of the type of person you want to attract, it can clarify your thinking but also limit your options. Most people have some quirk in their personalit­y; it’s all part of the lesson of learning to love unconditio­nally. Pisces FEB. 19-MARCH 20 Stay close to family over this next period. They may not tell you everything that happens in their life, but chances are, you can read between the lines and be of assistance. Sometimes you have to watch people’s body language to get the full story. It can be what people don’t say that reveals their position. Aries MARCH 21-APRIL 19 Throughout life, money comes and goes. The cycle of money supports the economy, so don’t be too concerned if you spend on areas that will help you get ahead. However, before making a substantia­l purchase, it’s wise to put time aside to do research to ensure you’ll have no regrets. Taurus APRIL 20-MAY 20 If cash has been in short supply over the past year or two, the good news is your financial position is about to change. More money will give you a new level of self-assurance. This new confidence will help you approach people you were hesitant to mix with before. A powerful new you is about to emerge! Gemini MAY 21-JUNE 20 Change is imminent, and when you need to make a decision, it is up to you to be responsibl­e for the outcome. Be aware that invariably something must leave to make room for something new. To embrace the new direction you’re headed, be prepared to let go of people or situations that no longer serve you. When you allow change to take place, you grow on a profession­al and personal level.

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Jennifer er Angel

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