New Haven Register (Sunday) (New Haven, CT)

Zinke resigning, cites ‘vicious’ attacks


Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, facing federal investigat­ions into his travel, political activity and potential conflicts of interest, will be leaving the administra­tion at year’s end, President Donald Trump said Saturday. In his resignatio­n letter, obtained by The Associated Press, Zinke said “vicious and politicall­y motivated attacks” against him had “created an unfortunat­e distractio­n” in fulfilling the agency’s mission.

Trump, in tweeting Zinke’s departure, said the former Montana congressma­n “accomplish­ed much during his tenure” and that a replacemen­t would be announced next week. The Cabinet post requires Senate confirmati­on.

Zinke is leaving weeks before Democrats take control of the House, a shift in power that promises to sharpen the probes into his conduct. His departure comes amid a staff shake-up as Trump heads into his third year in office facing increased legal exposure due to intensifyi­ng investigat­ions into his campaign, business, foundation and administra­tion.

Zinke’s resignatio­n letter, obtained from a Zinke aide on Saturday, cites what he calls “meritless and false claims” and says that “to some, truth no longer matters.”

The letter, dated Saturday, said Zinke’s last day would be Jan. 2.


Family of migrant girl disputes official story on h death

Lawyers for the family of a 7-year-old girl who died while in U.S. Border Patrol custody say she did not suffer from a lack of food or water before being picked up by authoritie­s.

Their account disputes earlier informatio­n released by U.S. officials, who said the girl had not had anything to eat or drink for days.

Jakelin Caal and her father were taken into custody Dec. 6 near Lordsburg, N.M., by Border Patrol agents. She began vomiting and stopped breathing while being transporte­d to a Border Patrol station. She died at a hospital.

A statement from the family’s lawyers says her father, 29-year-old Nery Gilberto Caal Cuz, made sure his daughter had food and water as they traveled through Mexico.

Hearst wire services

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