New Haven Register (New Haven, CT)

Let the Fights Begin!


Ductless Heat Pump

Ductless Heat Pump in the green corner, weighing in at *$1.60, pound for pound against any other fuel. Using its powerful Inverter Technology, it has remained undefeated in the HVAC industry. Light on its feet and quiet as a whisper, you can barely hear it working. The Ductless Heat Pump is a really “Cool” cat as well.

*Compared to a gallon of oil

vs Electric Heat

Electric Heat has been defeated over and over again. In the 1960’s, electric heat was at its prime. It was cheap and created a lot of heat. As time went on, the price to pay was very steep and nobody wanted it anymore because they were losing way too much money on that bet.

vs Oil Heating Oil in the black sooty corner, weighing in at over $2.50 a gallon. Stats: Price fluctuatio­ns, misfiring and causing puff backs, unexpected breakdowns, gives off a bad smell and running out of oil at the worst time. vs Propane Propane (Nickname “LP”) is like the cousin of oil. It hangs out in the same corner as oil, watching every move it makes. If oil goes up, propane does the same. If oil ducks low, well there you go. Propane always carries that big tank with it and it’s always getting in the way. You never know when it will run out of gas and leave you hanging. vs Natural Gas All “Fracking” aside. Natural gas, like the energizer bunny, keeps on going. Always ready and never runs out of gas. It has a very clean record and doesn’t play dirty. Natural Gas weighs in at a bit more than Ductless Heat Pumps, but that Ductless Heat Pump still packs a punch.

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