New Haven Register (New Haven, CT)

Are you enjoying all God has given you?


You can’t wait until everything is perfect or gets better before you choose to have a good attitude. Rather than talking yourself into being discourage­d, you must be thankful for all the blessings you possess and decide to be the very best that you can be right here and right where you are today.

How blessed do you feel right now? Are you enjoying all that God has given you? Or are you letting life’s challenges get in the way of being thankful?

I once heard about a group of creative neighborho­od children who would often get together at one of their houses after school to talk about their aspiration­s. They had a special bond of friendship.

A wondrous glow radiated from their faces, and a sparkle danced in their eyes as they sat around the kitchen table, sipping hot chocolate. Each took turns and spoke of their hopes and dreams for the future. It was beautiful to behold.

And when it was at her home, a mother of one of the girls in the group would join in on the lively conversati­on.

Fittingly, one afternoon the mother told the group a story of her “jewel box.”

The children’s imaginatio­n soared as she described to them that this was one of her most prized possession­s.

They vividly imagined a velvet jewelry box filled with expensive diamonds, luxurious rubies and elegant pearls. A few minutes passed and a little brownhaire­d girl asked the mother, “So what’s in your jewel box?”

Chock full of energy, the children all eagerly awaited her answer. Smiling, the mother replied thoughtful­ly, “The jewel box is not a material jewelry box.”

There was a hushed silence in the room. “In reality,” the mother added, “the jewel box is the treasure compartmen­t of your heart.”

Then, quickly, she continued, “And I believe that everyone has one. This special treasure compartmen­t holds within it the priceless jewels of joy, love, faith and most importantl­y an attitude of gratitude.”

The children asked the mother many questions. And as the children grew into adulthood, they never forgot the mother’s lesson of the jewel box as a path to becoming more thankful. They realized that the more grateful you are and the more you help other people, the more goodness you will attract into your own life.

You are God’s light in the world. “Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glorify to your Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).

Gratitude enlarges the heart and allows even more goodness to enter, and it can help you to create the life of your dreams. When an attitude of gratitude becomes a habit, you’ll recognize that your days are filled with infinite possibilit­ies. And, similar to the mother in this story, you will be a power for good.

Yet perhaps you’ve been flounderin­g. You are doing everything you can, but you don’t see anything changing. Things have not gone your way. Time is passing, and you’re dishearten­ed.

Despairing­ly you may ask yourself, “How did I let it get this far?” and “What’s there for me to be happy about now?” as your hopes for the future appear to be fading.

But you can’t wait until everything is perfect or gets better before you choose to have a good attitude. Rather than talking yourself into being discourage­d, you must be thankful for all the blessings you possess and decide to be the very best that you can be right here and right where you are today.

I wonder what would happen if we made the conscious decision to take the good from life’s experience­s and recharge our thoughts to grasp an attitude of gratitude from each situation?

Remember, God has you in the palm of His hand. God promised He will never leave you nor forsake you. Hence, the more optimistic and thankful you are, the more joy, peace, and blessings will come back to you.

And by recounting all that God has done for you, you’ll discover there is more to be thankful for than you realize.

The Bible says in Isaiah 43:26, to “Put me in remembranc­e.” Here is a craft project you may want to do keep an attitude of gratitude. I call it, “A grateful wreath.” It serves as a reminder to focus on the positives.

What you’ll need: — 14-inch grapevine wreath.

— Hot glue gun and glue sticks.

— Little picture frames in various sizes from the dollar store.

— Ribbon, silk flowers, garland and embellishm­ents.

— Photograph­s of happy and triumphant past events.

— A wreath hanger.

First, reflect on all the ways that God has shown Himself faithful. Next, cut out pictures of how God blessed you in the pas — perhaps a photograph of your spouse, your children, grandchild­ren, your first home, beloved pets, trusted friends, a job, a healing, a dream that came true, your victories, answered prayers, or images of challenges that were successful­ly resolved and how needs were met.

Place the pictures in the frames. Then, arrange the frames and glue them on the grapevine wreath.

Tip: Looking for a memorable gift? Make a wreath for someone special who may be going through a challengin­g time to let them know that God is always there for them.

Add a bow to the top. Intertwine garland or decorate with pretty embellishm­ents. Glue the wreath hanger on the back. Now, display your wreath on the wall by your bedside, in your office or living room — a place where you can view it every day to remind you that if God blessed you in the past, He will certainly bless you in the present and the future.

Regardless of what’s going on at the moment, choose to be grateful. Reader Ruben Vazquez says,

“See each day as a gift from God. For God has so many ways to bless your future.”

Day by day, notice all the blessings in your life. Let your heart overflow with gratitude. Verbalize your thanks and appreciati­on to God and others. Offer lifegiving, kind words to people. Speak love. Speak encouragem­ent. Express appreciati­on for what you have now.

And with an attitude of gratitude, thank God for His goodness. Rejoice in all the ways that He has guided you in the past. And God will lead you forward into a life of favor, miracles and blessings in every area.

Get ready! He is about to surprise you with His goodness!

Email Catherine Galasso-Vigorito at cgv@anewyouwor­ To order a copy of her new book, “The Open Window, 8 Weeks to Creating an Extraordin­ary Life,” visit www.anewyouwor­ or bookstores nationwide. Follow Catherine on Instagram @Catherineg­alassovigo­rito.

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