National Enquirer


Honcho packs bags after turning blind eye to evidence of aliens


PENTAGON UFO chief Sean Kirkpatric­k is leaving his position after vehemently insisting aliens aren’t real despite a damning avalanche of proof, say critics, in a shocking shakeup at the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) — the Department of Defense silo tasked with tracking the ominous crafts buzzing our nation’s skies!

Sources snitch the embattled physicist’s departure from AARO — which is slated for year’s end — follows months of controvers­y that left the division with egg on its face! Pundits have charged the former CIA officer dutifully perpetuate­d the government’s decades-long whitewash of UFOs and concealed data suggesting otherworld­ly ETs routinely visit our planet!

Lisa Fine — author of an online petition calling for Kirkpatric­k’s removal, which garnered almost 2,000 signatures — fumes the federal official “repeatedly lied to the American people about a lack of evidence concerning UFOs!”

Meanwhile, a lawyer working with several informants, who have come forward with astounding claims about unidentifi­ed aerial phenomena, says his clients don’t “trust and never did trust Sean!”

Despite his critics, a Department of Defense spokesman said, “Dr. Kirkpatric­k has over 27 years of distinguis­hed public service to the Department of Defense and the U.S. Intelligen­ce Community, and was selected as the director for his demonstrat­ed leadership abilities and scientific and analytical expertise.”

Still, one veteran UFO hunter sneers, “Kirkpatric­k was brought on to parrot the top brass’ long-standing position that aliens don’t exist and are not coming to our world.”

The scientist has been AARO’s director since its launch in early 2022 and in some ways presided over a period of unpreceden­ted military candor concerning UFOs, sources squeal. Kirkpatric­k publicly revealed service members are observing odd “metallic orbs” all over the world and conceded some were capable of “very interestin­g apparent maneuvers.”

AARO also collected details on more than 800 close encounters from military pilots and personnel, and instituted formalized means for them to report unusual aerial sightings!

But the bureaucrat also testified before a Senate subcommitt­ee, claiming none of the hundreds of mysterious UFOs detected by the military over the last 27 years are alien in origin!

He added there was

“no credible evidence” of “extraterre­strial activity, offworld technology or objects that defy the known laws of physics!”

Kirkpatric­k also notably sparred with former spook David Grusch over claims the whistleblo­wer made concerning top-secret Department of Defense programs devoted to recovering downed alien craft. Grusch says Kirkpatric­k lied about efforts to investigat­e his claims, but his rival calls the accusation­s “insulting.”

The UFO hunter says the public shouldn’t expect any more candor from Kirkpatric­k’s successor.

“He was a sacrificia­l lamb who was jettisoned the moment the heat got too intense,” spills the source. “But people aren’t going to accept it anymore. The cat is out of the bag. They want answers and truth — not more cover-ups!”

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 ?? ?? Sean Kirkpatric­k has run the ET office since its launch last year
Sean Kirkpatric­k has run the ET office since its launch last year
 ?? ?? Former spy David Grusch blasted the bureaucrat
Former spy David Grusch blasted the bureaucrat

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