National Enquirer


Bitter Christine pans Yellowston­e cowboy’s lame performanc­e in bed


SCREEN stud Kevin Costner may have won his divorce court battle against ex-wife Christine Baumgartne­r — but he risks losing his ladies’ man rep as spies say his scorned spouse is dissing his prowess between the sheets! Sources tell The National ENQUIRER the sad sack revelation­s are bound to infuriate the Yellowston­e hunk, 68, who was once known as a womanizer and has fathered seven kids. “Christine is reaping sweet revenge by trashing Kevin to anyone who will listen, saying he’s a selfish lover who never satisfied her,” spills an insider. “It’s amusing to people because Kevin has always prided himself on his reputation as a Don Juan.

“But Christine’s totally blowing that image. She’s on a mission to make him the laughingst­ock of Hollywood — and she may be succeeding!”

Christine was just

18 years old when she met Kevin on a golf course. He was practicing for his role in the hit flick Tin Cup and still married to first wife Cindy Silva. Those early sparks ignited years later after he and Cindy split. He married Christine in 2004. “Even in their early days, Christine’s hinted Kevin’s bedroom skills weren’t much to crow about,” confides the insider. “Now, she’s blabbing it to everyone.”

As ENQUIRER readers know, Christine, 49, filed for divorce in May. After contentiou­s court proceeding­s, they settled before the case went to trial, with a judge enforcing a paltry prenup and beating back her demands for $130,000 a month in support for their teenage kids.

“Christine feels she got the short end of the stick moneywise,” says the source. “So she’s sticking it right back to Kevin by calling him a lousy lover.”

 ?? ?? Costner has three kids with Christine
Grace, Hayes and Cayden
The golfing pair met while he was shooting his film Tin Cup
Baumgartne­r feels she got the short end of the stick in the settlement, says
an insider
Costner has three kids with Christine Grace, Hayes and Cayden The golfing pair met while he was shooting his film Tin Cup Baumgartne­r feels she got the short end of the stick in the settlement, says an insider

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