Modern Healthcare

Celebratin­g the accomplish­ments of women leaders

- By Aurora Aguilar

BOSTON-BASED Partners HealthCare recently named its first female CEO, Dr. Anne Klibanski, to lead a system that includes world-renowned Massachuse­tts General Hospital and Brigham and Women’s Hospital. The American Medical Associatio­n continues to place women in its office of the president, including Dr. Barbara McAneny, immediate past president, and Dr. Patrice Harris, current president.

All three were recognized this year by Modern Healthcare for being among the nation’s Top 25 Women Leaders in Healthcare, and will be celebrated during a gala in Chicago on Aug. 1. The event will top off a two-day conference where the honorees and other leaders will discuss the strides the industry has made in positionin­g women to have greater impact in the transforma­tion underway in healthcare.

They’ll also talk about the challenges that remain. Recent research by consultanc­y Oliver Wyman found that it takes women three to five years longer than men to make it to the corner office, and that they still make up only 30% of C-suite executives and 13% of CEOs.

Hospital boards also are underrepre­sented. The American Hospital Associatio­n’s 2019 National Health Care Governance Survey Report found that only 30% of hospital board members were women, though that’s an improvemen­t from 2015 when a similar survey found just 23% of hospital board members were women.

At this year’s Women Leaders in Healthcare Conference, Modern Healthcare will present original research on the programs that have been put in place to help even the playing field at most healthcare organizati­ons. Our readership responded enthusiast­ically when asked to share informatio­n about diversity and inclusion efforts in their workplaces and how successful they’ve been at elevating women leaders, eliminatin­g harassment and discrimina­tion, and bringing equality to compensati­on.

In addition, luminaries Marna Borgstrom, CEO of Yale New Haven Health System; Dr. Joanne Conroy, CEO of Dartmouth-Hitchcock Health; and Susan DeVore, CEO of Premier, will share their stories of climbing the corporate ladder.

We hope you’ll join us for the gala and conference, both of which will provide great insight about what’s happening in the industry. Learn more at Modern­rs. ●

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