Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Slain woman’s mother critical of Waukegan alderman’s post

- Mary Spicuzza and David Clarey

Family members grieving the murder of Sade Robinson were disgusted to see a social media post from a Waukegan alderman that included a photograph of a human arm found on the Illinois shoreline, Robinson’s mother, Sheena Scarbrough, told the Journal Sentinel.

“I respectful­ly want him held accountabl­e,” Scarbrough said in reference to Waukegan Alderman Keith Turner. “I want him reprimande­d.”

She voiced frustratio­n that a “profession­al person” would post something like that.

“We’re dealing with trauma,” Scarbrough said.

The alderman’s post also drew criticism from Waukegan Mayor Ann Taylor. The two are both running in the 2025 mayoral race.

“The City of Waukegan does not comment on active criminal investigat­ions, especially in cases where the city is not the lead agency. This policy is intended to preserve the investigat­ion’s integrity and respect the privacy of victims and their families,” Taylor said in a statement. “That is why no public statements were made until Alderman Keith Turner posted a graphic photo of the remains on his Facebook account.”

Taylor added that Turner did not contact the Waukegan Police command staff or anyone in Waukegan city government to ask about the incident before posting a photo of the remains on Facebook.

“The City did not provide Ald. Turner with the photograph, and he was never given permission to post the photo on his Facebook page,” Taylor said. “Individual aldermen are not authorized to speak on behalf of the city, much less for the police department.”

Turner did not respond to telephone calls or emails from the Journal Sentinel on Saturday requesting an interview about his post.

Robinson, 19, was reported missing April 2 following a first date with 33year-old Maxwell Anderson. Prosecutor­s say after a short night out, the local bartender and Robinson went back to his house, where he killed her, dismembere­d her body and disposed of the body parts across Milwaukee County.

Authoritie­s notified Robinson’s family early this week that an arm had been found in Waukegan, roughly 60 miles south of Milwaukee, making the discovery the latest body part to be found along Lake Michigan. DNA testing is being conducted.

Anderson pleaded not guilty to the charges and remains in custody on $5 million bail.

A public memorial was held for Robinson on May 10, which would have been her 20th birthday. She was remembered as a remarkable young woman who touched many different people in the community.

She would have graduated this weekend from Milwaukee Area Technical College with a criminal justice degree.

“Sade was our best friend. She was my best friend, my mom’s best friend, her sister’s best friend,” Scarbrough said. “At the end of the day, the respect, the support that I’ve been receiving from the community has been extremely overwhelmi­ng.”

But Scarbrough said her family was “very disappoint­ed” by Turner’s post, which she said, “disrespect­s my daughter, Sade Carleena Robinson, he disrespect­s our legacy on her behalf, and our family.”

She urged people in Waukegan not to support his mayoral bid.

“Please do not elect an individual of his character to be your mayor, who carries on this type of disrespect­ful behavior. It’s completely out of line,” Scarbrough said. “He should know much better.”

Taylor urged people to pray for the victim’s family.

“On behalf of the City of Waukegan, I find the posting of an image of this type to be morally disgusting, socially irresponsi­ble, and extremely cruel to the victim’s family,” she said.

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