Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Roughly 18% of kids ages 5-11 are at least partly vaccinated

- Drake Bentley

For the first time since the COVID-19 vaccine became readily available to kids ages 5 to 11, during the first week of November, the state Department of Health Services released vaccine totals for the age group Tuesday.

The state reported that 87,910 children ages 5 to 11 have received at least one dose of the vaccine — roughly 18% of the age group's population. More than 10% of the age group are fully vaccinated.

It continues to be the case that older people are more likely to be vaccinated against COVID-19, as more than 85% of people 65 and older have at least one dose. The number of people vaccinated, per age group, increases as age increases.

The seven-day average of daily deaths increased to 23 Tuesday, with the state reporting 38 COVID-19 deaths.

96% of Milwaukee County employees complied with its mandate

At the local level, the office of the Milwaukee County Executive said that 96% of its employees have complied with its vaccine mandate or received an exemption.

Milwaukee County's vaccinatio­n mandate for staff was issued in September and went into effect on October 1, 2021. The mandate requires all current employees to demonstrat­e verification of their COVID-19 vaccinatio­n or receive an approved exemption.

As of Tuesday, the county reported 87% of employees subject to the mandate have submitted proof of vaccinatio­n, 9% have received or are in the process of receiving an exemption, 1% were denied exemption and 3% of employees have not submitted proof of vaccinatio­n or an exemption request.

Latest COVID-19 numbers

• New cases reported: 3,847

• New deaths reported: 38 h Number hospitaliz­ed: 1,690 (intensive care: 427); up 590 patients from a month ago

• Seven-day average of daily cases: 3,659 (up 796 cases from one month ago)

• Seven-day average of daily deaths: 23 (up nine deaths from one month ago)

• Seven-day average positivity rate — as a share of all tests given: 11.8%

• Total cases since the start of pandemic: 923,968

• Total deaths: 9,431

Latest vaccine numbers

• Total doses administer­ed:


• Daily doses administer­ed: 18,241 h Seven-day average of daily doses: 27,666

• Total booster doses administer­ed: 1,317,797

• Daily booster doses administer­ed: 12,885

• Seven-day average of daily booster doses: 19,149

• Residents who have received one dose: 3,565,378 (61.1% of the population)

• Residents who are fully vaccinated: 3,349,490 (57.4% of the population)

• Residents ages 5 to 11 with at least one dose: 87,910 (18% of age group)

• Residents ages 12 to 17 with at least one dose: 247,543 (55.7% of age group)

• Residents ages 18 to 24 with at least one dose: 302,804 (55.6% of age group)

• Residents ages 25 to 34 with at least one dose: 446,707 (60.3% of age group)

• Residents ages 35 to 44 with at least one dose: 478,980 (66.3% of age group)

• Residents ages 45 to 54 with at least one dose: 484,009 (69.3% of age group)

• Residents ages 55 to 64 with at least one dose: 625,273 (76.3% of age group)

• Residents 65 and older with at least one dose: 892,140 (85.1% of age group)

Variant cases of concern

The state Department of Health Services, the Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene and other laboratory partners regularly perform whole genome sequencing on a portion of positive tests. The numbers below do not represent the total number of variant cases.

• Cases of the delta (B.1.617.2) variant: 20,467

• Cases of the omicron (B.1.1.529) variant: 5

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