Milwaukee Journal Sentinel



On Sept. 28, 1928, Scottish medical researcher Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin, the first effective antibiotic.

Also on this date

In 1781, American forces in the Revolution­ary War, backed by a French fleet, began their successful siege of Yorktown, Virginia.

In 1787, the Congress of the Confederat­ion voted to send the justcomple­ted Constituti­on of the United States to state legislatur­es for their approval.

In 1850, flogging was abolished as a form of punishment in the U.S. Navy.

In 1892, the first nighttime football game took place in Mansfield, Pennsylvan­ia, as teams from Mansfield State Normal and Wyoming Seminary played under electric lights to a scoreless tie.

In 1920, eight members of the Chicago White Sox were indicted for allegedly throwing the 1919 World Series against the Cincinnati Reds. (All were acquitted at trial, but all eight were banned from the game for life.)

In 1962, a federal appeals court found Mississipp­i Gov. Ross Barnett in civil contempt for blocking the admission of James Meredith, a Black student, to the University of Mississipp­i. (Federal marshals escorted Meredith onto the campus two days later.)

In 1995, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and PLO chairman Yasser Arafat signed an accord at the White House ending Israel’s military occupation of West Bank cities and laying the foundation for a Palestinia­n state.

In 2000, capping a 12-year battle, the government approved use of the abortion pill RU-486.

In 2015, President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin, meeting at the United Nations, agreed to discuss a political transition in Syria but remained at odds about what that would mean for Syria leader Bashar Assad’s future.

Ten years ago: The youngest son of North Korean President Kim Jong Il, Kim Jong Un, was selected for his first leadership post in the ruling Workers Party, putting him well on the path to succeed his father.

Five years ago: Trevor Noah debuted as host of “The Daily Show” on Comedy Central.

One year ago: A massive pro-democracy rally in downtown Hong Kong ended early and violently, with police firing tear gas and a water cannon after protesters threw bricks and Molotov cocktails at government buildings.

 ?? PROVIDED PHOTO ?? Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin on Sept. 28, 1928.
PROVIDED PHOTO Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin on Sept. 28, 1928.

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