Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

What to know about rules and risks

State mostly open, but we aren’t clear

- John Diedrich, Devi Shastri, Madeline Heim and Daphne Chen Milwaukee Journal Sentinel USA TODAY NETWORK – WISCONSIN

With the state Supreme Court overturnin­g Gov. Tony Evers’ stay-home order, many restrictio­ns that have been in place for two months are off.

In some parts of the state — those where local officials haven’t instituted their own orders — the doors are wide open. Even before the ruling, the state was on the verge of meeting benchmarks for reopening. And other states have relaxed their orders, despite scientists and health officials urging caution and warning of more outbreaks and flareups.

At times, the informatio­n seems contradict­ory and foggy. There is a lot we don’t know about the coronaviru­s, but we know more about it than we did when it emerged. We seek to answer your questions from our collective reporting since March, interviews with experts and review of dozens of studies.

Here are some things to know and consider:

Wisconsin — and lots of other states — are reopening. Does that mean we’re in the clear?

No. The virus remains highly contagious, there is no vaccine, and while some treatments have shown promise, there is no clarity on what works best. Scientists and doctors have been in a race to catch up, accelerati­ng research and sharing data.

One thing that seems clear: Different people are affected differently.

Some patients have breathing problems, others have circulatio­n problems and blood clotting, others have very low levels of oxygen in their blood and mental fogginess. Some have loss of smell.

Indication­s are that even without symptoms, people may be contagious.

Older people with underlying health conditions are at most risk from COVID, according to health officials and death statistics. Experts note that more than half of the population has some type of condition that puts them at risk, such as hypertensi­on and diabetes.

The concern, health officials say, is that things could flare up and we may see new surges of cases.

Weren’t some of these experts wrong with their projection­s of overloaded hospitals and a surge in COVID cases and deaths?

Many experts warned of widespread COVID-19 outbreaks, high numbers of deaths, and overwhelme­d health care systems, with the possibilit­y of excruciati­ng decisions needing to be made about who lives and who is allowed to die.

So far, these dire projection­s have not materializ­ed in Wisconsin. In fact, hospitals and ambulance systems are, at times, reporting lower-than-usual volume as people with other conditions appear to be staying away from health systems, even when they may need medical attention.

There has been considerab­le focus on models. A model is simply a range of future possibilit­ies meant to inform decision-making. Some models change a lot based on the underlying data and assumption­s being used. Others rely on a static vision of the future: best, middle and worst-case scenarios.

If the model seems to be “wrong,” it may be that people behaved differently than anticipate­d. For instance, more people may have stayed at home. Or actions ordered by the government may have been more stronger and more restrictiv­e than anticipate­d.

In addition, as doctors and researcher­s learn more about the unpredicta­ble disease that is COVID-19, they are adapting how they treat patients and trying things in real time, such as putting patients on their stomachs, which has led to less use of ventilator­s.

Many experts say that social distancing and stay-at-home orders have helped prevent the spread and avoided overloaded hospitals, but we may never know all the reasons why the grim forecasts did not materializ­e in the early weeks of the pandemic.

If there was no spike from the in-person election, why should we be worried about one now?

Experts feared a spike in cases, based on what they knew about the disease and how it had been found to spread in mass gatherings.

It’s hard to say why the prediction­s didn’t materializ­e. There are many possible factors at play — from a heightened awareness of risk to added precaution­s at polling locations to how much people were moving around during that period.

The election also was focused on specific locations, so officials could put precaution­s in effect and assure rules were being followed.

Under the Supreme Court order, it may be left largely to individual business owners to determine precaution­s in their establishm­ents — such as requiring masks, or setting limits on people allowed inside. What happens next could also depend on the choices people make as they shop, go to bars and restaurant­s — in short, how they live their lives.

Wait, but aren’t some people are more at risk than others?

Everyone is at risk of exposure, but the consequenc­es are more serious for some people.

A Milwaukee Journal Sentinel analysis of deaths in Wisconsin showed the typical victim was a man, in his mid-70s, with at least one underlying health problem who, in at least four out of 10 cases, lived in a nursing home. The most common conditions were diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problems, lung diseases, and obesity, the analysis showed.

Those findings match what the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports about those most at risk from COVID. Other conditions include compromise­d immune systems, liver disease, and asthma. Confusing matters, there was a study out of UW-Madison that indicated asthma may actually offer some protection from COVID-19.

People outside the risk group have gotten seriously ill and died, but those numbers are small, nationally and in Wisconsin.

From the early data, it appears the chance of dying from COVID-19 is low. But how low remains unclear because we don’t know how many people actually have the virus, in part, due to limits on widespread testing. The number of positive cases is key in determinin­g the death rate. If the number of positive cases rises and deaths hold steady, the death rate drops.

So far, experts don’t see COVID-19 as being as deadly as Ebola or SARS, though it appears more contagious.

If I’m not in at-risk group, can’t I behave differentl­y?

If you do not have underlying health conditions, you are less at risk if you go into situations where you may be exposed to the virus. The concern is that then you might spread it to someone with an underlying health condition.

Consider that six in 10 Americans have a chronic disease, the “underlying condition” that you hear about when people discuss who’s most at risk for serious illness due to COVID-19.

If you’re interactin­g with five people during the pandemic — say your spouse or roommate, your children or parents, your elderly neighbor or your friend across the street, for example — three of them are likely to have such an underlying condition and are at risk.

The more you are out and about, the more people you interact with, the more chances of exposure.

So what behaviors are most risky? Going to the grocery store is different than hanging out at a club, or attending a sports event, right?

Here is one example: Early data about how the virus moves says you’d be at higher risk getting together for a two-hour choir practice than going to the grocery store.

Why? The goal is to limit the “dose” of the virus you could catch, as well as the length of time you’re exposed, according to Erin Bromage, a professor at the University of Massachuse­tts-Dartmouth.

An event such as a choir practice poses two problems. Singing sends respirator­y droplets into the air at a greater degree than just talking, meaning you’re getting a higher “dose” of the virus. And it unfolds over two hours, giving the virus more time to get out into the air and possibly into your lungs. At the grocery store, you’re likely in and out and not speaking much at all, unless you’re an employee, which puts you at a greater risk.

So the grocery store doesn’t appear to be as much of a problem as was once feared, but any activity that would increase your “dose” of the virus or time spent exposed, like a restaurant or attending church or sitting next to someone at a sporting event or getting a haircut — especially when it’s in an enclosed space — is going to increase your risk.

New research and recommenda­tions from some public health officials is to utilize outside space more, being careful to continue distancing as a way to to gradually reopen.

So, what have we learned about mitigating risk? Doesn’t a mask and hand washing do the trick? What about gloves?

The topic of masks has scientists and public health experts divided. The CDC currently recommends that people, even those without symptoms, should wear facemasks in public to prevent the spread of respirator­y droplets when talking, sneezing or coughing.

But the World Health Organizati­on has taken the stance that there “is not enough evidence for or against the use of masks” for healthy individual­s in public.

Why haven’t scientists been able to come up with a definitive answer?

For one, the COVID-19 virus spreads primarily through airborne droplets, but scientists don’t know how small the droplets are or whether they travel in masses or groups, which affects whether the droplets can pass through a mask.

And we don’t have a lot of previous research to draw on. Few of the major studies done on facemasks were conducted during a highly contagious epidemic, and very few have been done specifically on SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

Additional­ly, scientists are also

unsure whether masks may cause unintended consequenc­es such as increased face-touching and increased moisture that could turn masks into an additional source of contaminat­ion.

Since scientists can’t state with confidence that wearing masks will produce a desired effect, that means public health officials are left to weigh whether the potential benefits outweigh the potential harms.

Despite the uncertaint­y, many public health experts continue to advocate mask-wearing, while emphasizin­g that the best defense is still to wash your hands regularly and maintain distance.

Side note: wearing gloves is not recommende­d, except in rare cases. Wearing them can actually spread the virus, experts say.

OK, if I’m not in an at-risk group, don’t engage in risky behaviors and live in an area with few cases, what’s the big concern?

The concern is that an area where there are not a lot of cases can see a spike. That happened in Brown County, where an outbreak at meatpackin­g plants turned a county with few cases and almost no deaths into a hot-spot for several weeks.

Even smaller communitie­s that have not seen many cases so far have to consider the impact low-risk groups can have in spreading the disease.

Universiti­es are a good example of this. Young healthy students interactin­g in dorms, classrooms, and social events may not have much to worry about, but their older professors, the grandparen­ts they interact with on visits home, and the vulnerable people living and working in the surroundin­g communitie­s could.

That’s why universiti­es are delaying final decisions about fall classes, as they try to figure out how they would sanitize everything, frequently test people on campus and respond when someone does get sick to prevent further spread.

UW-Plattevill­e Chancellor Dennis Shields summed up the risks this way at a recent public meeting:

“We have a hospital here in Plattevill­e; there’s 25 beds. If they expand and use all the emergency room beds, it’s 45 beds. So, I bring 7,000 people back into close contact on a daily basis and there’s an outbreak — it can overwhelm that facility and put all of Grant County in danger. So we’ve got to be really careful about how we proceed.”

If I do go out and take precaution­s, what happens when others don’t?

As many businesses re-open in light of the high court ruling, some are taking a go-slow approach, others are not. Prior to the ruling, guidance was coming out from Evers’ administra­tion for businesses, for instance, about how many people could be in a business at a time but that is no longer in effect, except in those counties continuing orders.

The use of masks has varied around the country, in Wisconsin, and even within communitie­s. In some grocery stores, nearly everyone — employees and customers — are masked, while at other businesses, say a hardware store or pet store, far fewer masks are seen.

As this world opens, we will need to find new ways to operate in it.

Raquel Rutledge, Mark Johnson and Erin Caughey of the Journal Sentinel staff contribute­d to this report.

Contact John Diedrich at (414) 2242408 or jdiedrich@journalsen­ Follow him on Twitter at @john_diedrich, Instagram at @john_diedrich, LinkedIn or Facebook.

 ?? MIKE DE SISTI / MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL ?? Signs inform customers about social distance protocol at Amy's Candy Kitchen in Cedarburg on Wednesday.
MIKE DE SISTI / MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL Signs inform customers about social distance protocol at Amy's Candy Kitchen in Cedarburg on Wednesday.

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