Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Protests erupt in Washington against Kavanaugh; dozens arrested

- John Bacon

Dozens of angry protesters were arrested outside the Capitol Hill offices of multiple senators Monday as opposition to Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh grew stronger amid accusation­s of sexual assault as a young man.

Protesters carrying signs and chanting slogans filled hallways outside the offices of Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and other lawmakers. Eva Malecki, communicat­ions director for Capitol Police, confirmed the arrests were made at the Dirksen Senate Office Building but would not say how many.

Many protesters wore black T-shirts emblazoned with “Be a hero.” Two Republican­s rejecting Kavanaugh’s nomination would probably be sufficient to derail it, and protesters are looking for “hero” GOP lawmakers.

Some of the demonstrat­ors came from Yale Law School, Kavanaugh’s alma mater. Members of a group called Yale Law Students Demanding Better included Veronica Guerrero, who told that more than 100 traveled from the Connecticu­t school to join the protest.

Later Monday, scores of women marched to the Supreme Court. And women across the nation conducted a #BelieveSur­vivors walkout at 1 p.m. ET to show solidarity with women affected by sexual assault, including those whose claims were ignored or not believed.

The protests come hours after a second woman accused Kavanaugh of sexual assault in the 1980s. Deborah Ramirez, 53, told The New Yorker magazine that Kavanaugh, 53, exposed himself to her while playing a drinking game at a party during their freshman year at Yale University.

Democrats are demanding a delay in the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing set for Thursday where Kavanaugh and another accuser are scheduled to testify.

Christine Blasey Ford says Kavanaugh assaulted her at a party while both were high school students in Washington, D.C.

Kavanaugh has denied the allegation­s.

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