Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Bills addressing sanctuary cities reappear in Legislatur­e

Opponents consider worker walkouts


MADISON - After sparking a massive Capitol protest last year, legislatio­n cracking down on so-called sanctuary cities is back — and its opponents say they may launch worker walkouts that could hurt dairy farms and other businesses.

Assembly Bill 190 would require police to hold people charged with a crime in jail for up to an additional 48 hours if they are suspected of being in the country illegally. Local government­s that didn’t go along with that requiremen­t could see their state aid cut by up to $5,000 per day.

Another measure, Assembly Bill 127, would allow Wisconsin residents to sue their local government if they believe federal immigratio­n policies are not being enforced.

The bills come as President Donald Trump tries to deliver on his campaign promise to scale back illegal immigratio­n.

Federal immigratio­n authoritie­s already ask that local government­s hold suspected illegal immigrants for an extra 48 hours. Rep. John Spiros (RMarshfiel­d), the bill’s lead sponsor, said he wants to make sure communitie­s in Wisconsin do that.

He emphasized that the bill would affect only immigrants who are accused of committing a crime, saying that those stopped for a traffic violation or who need police assistance wouldn’t have their immigratio­n status questioned.

“(The bill) refers to those who violated rules, not those who called for help or assistance,” said Spiros, a former police officer.

Opponents say the legislatio­n would make things less safe because it would make undocument­ed immigrants more afraid to call police when they experience, witness or suspect crimes.

“It’s disingenuo­us to say that if you limit collaborat­ion with immigrants you have lower rates of crime,” said Christine Neumann-Ortiz, executive director of immigrant rights group Voces de la Frontera. “People will think of (immigrants) as dangerous.”

She said her group may call for worker strikes — as it did last year and in February — to try to stop the legislatio­n.

By some estimates, up to 80% of the hired help on large Wisconsin dairy operations is immigrant labor — with a large percentage of those workers being in the country illegally. If those workers are deported or otherwise leave Wisconsin, farms could face financial trouble.

“Taking away immigrants dramatical­ly reduces the dairy industry in Wisconsin,” said John Rosenow, a Buffalo County dairy farmer.

A similar bill passed the Assembly last year in a 62-35 vote but died after a massive protest organized by Voces.

The “Day Without Latinos” protest brought a crowd of roughly 20,000 to Madison to protest that bill and another one limiting the ability of local government­s to issue photo IDs.

Spiros said his bill this session has a narrower scope than the last one because it focuses on immigrants accused of committing crimes.

If passed, Assembly Bill 190 would also allow the attorney general, district attorneys and sheriffs to sue cities, towns or villages for not complying with the immigratio­n law.

Assembly Bill 127 would go further by allowing any resident to sue their local government for not complying with federal immigratio­n laws and allow employees of a local government to question someone’s immigratio­n status.

No hearings have been scheduled for either bill and it’s unclear if they will gain traction.

Spokesmen for legislativ­e leaders did not say whether either house planned to take up the measures this session

One focal point of the “Day Without Latinos” protest was immigrants’ economic importance in Wisconsin’s agricultur­e industry.

Reviving their efforts from last year’s “Day Without Latinos” protest, Voces members delivered empty milk cartons to legislator­s in June with the saying “Got Milk? Not without Immigrants.”

If workers walk off without notice, it could be devastatin­g to the dairy industry because of the need to milk cows every day, Rosenow said.

“A lack of employees for hours would cause a lot of dead cows,” Rosenow said.

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