Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

‘Bacheloret­te’ recap: Rachel takes six to four before hometown dates


After taking a break to celebrate America and the Fourth of July, we returned to Rachel’s saga Monday night. And after last episode’s six-man slaughter, there are only six guys remaining and they meet our girl in Geneva — the Swiss capital of falling in love.

Rachel informs the guys that there will be three one-on-ones and one three-on-one. Adam and Matt both really want one-on-ones, but that’s laughable because we had to look up who Matt was. But it doesn’t matter because Bryan locks in one of those one-onone dates, so the odds are less in their favor than ever.

Fast cars, fast love

Rachel takes Bryan on a luxurious date where he gets to drive a Bentley. The lavishness continues at a watch store, which is a thinly veiled promo for Breitling watches, but if you’re snagging one, who’s going to complain?

They take a boat ride and Rachel admits that even though she hasn’t said she’s not in love with Bryan, she is OK with the concept. Confused how someone so great could still be single, she dives in for more informatio­n, which is when he reveals his last relationsh­ip went too hard, too fast . . . like this current situation. She broke up with him because of his mom (for very vague reasons — prep yourself for Hometowns, y’all). Rachel isn’t fazed though — he gets the rose.

Dean’s emotional journey

Back at the Geneva holding cell/resort, the other guys are annoyed — especially Dean, who is in full “baby bro mode” as he complains about Bryan’s ripe age of 37. Dean gets his one-on-one opportunit­y, but it puts him in as much of a tail spin as it does celebratio­n because he’s not sure about bringing Rachel home yet.

Dean gets dressed up and meets our girl to go to French church. It’s tres fancy. Rachel thinks it’s a good way to see how Dean sees tradition, but that’s the whole issue here — Dean’s terror is because his family isn’t traditiona­l at all. When she presses him for more informatio­n, he folds and asks “What’s your favorite dinosaur?” It’s not doing that whole age difference any favors.

She calls him out for things being off, and Dean admits that he agrees. So he finally explains he wishes he had a better family situation to show her because he sees his as broken. That openness pays off because Rachel wants to meet his family, as they are, and gives him the rose.

Honest Peter

Peter locks in that last oneon-one, leaving Eric and those other two guys for a three on one. As for Peter, he and Rachel are going dogsleddin­g, and it’s perfect. But when they’re alone, Peter reveals that he’s considered leaving on the hard days, but he stayed because Rachel is Rachel, you know? So they snow snuggle, as lovers do, and celebrate overcoming obstacles.

At dinner, he opens up and is very honest — about his dating history, specifical­ly with black women (none), and his reservatio­ns about popping that final question. The honesty is refreshing, but very raw. Even with the risk, Peter gets the rose and all is good in the world.

Eric’s game to lose

So here we are, with Eric and Matt and Adam. The trio plus Rachel head off to France in a boat, and it seems like a blast, but two men are going home. Adam feels vaguely comfortabl­e because of the strength of their relationsh­ip (Oh OK), but Eric leans in and tells her that something has absolutely changed within him.

So that leaves Matt. Poor, sweet Matt. Rachel lets him go, and his sweet spotlight moment makes you wish he were more of a contender. And speaking of could’ve-been-contenders, we have Adam who is falling, nay, FALLEN for Rachel. But it’s Eric and his unabashed vulnerabil­ity that takes that final rose, and it’s not an easy blow for precious Adam.

 ?? ABC ?? Marquette Law grad Rachel gets one-on-one dates on “Bacheloret­te.”
ABC Marquette Law grad Rachel gets one-on-one dates on “Bacheloret­te.”

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