Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Leading the way on juvenile justice

Missouri’s handling of crisis serves as model for reform


Dirty, dangerous conditions at a youth prison in Missouri triggered public outrage and prompted juvenile court judges to vow they would not send any more teen offenders to the facility.

Fights between inmates. Long stints in solitary confinemen­t. Injuries inflicted by guards. Life in the rural Missouri prison resembled that at Wisconsin’s Lincoln Hills School for Boys in recent years.

But Missouri faced its crisis 45 years ago and as a result radically changed the structure of its juvenile correction­s system, providing what could be a blueprint for Wisconsin. And an indication of how much work lies ahead.

In Missouri, large institutio­ns were replaced with small facilities, closer to offenders’ homes. Teens live in pods of 10 with two counselors. They wear their own clothes, sleep in dorm-style rooms and address the staff by first names.

The doors are locked for the high-risk offenders, but no matter the setting, the focus is on therapy instead of controllin­g the youth, said Mark Steward, one of the architects of the Missouri system. They are reporting a much higher success rate than Wisconsin.

“It is done with dignity and respect both for the youth and the staff and that makes all the difference in the world,” said Steward, who retired as head of Missouri’s Division of Youth Services. “It is how you deal with them rather than the kind of youth they are.”

The “Missouri Model,” and versions similar to it have cropped up across the country. A delegation from Wisconsin went to Missouri two decades ago and even drew up a plan, according to Steward. But it was never put in place.

Problems at Lincoln Hills may finally force that reform.

Part of the solution could be a Missouri-style facility in Milwaukee County. Discussion­s are underway for a 36-bed secure facility, possibly operated jointly by the county and the state.

Such a facility has several hurdles. It would have to be approved by the Legislatur­e. No one has yet estimated what it would cost to build and it’s unclear who would pay for its operation, which is expected to exceed the roughly $300 a day it costs to house an inmate at Lincoln Hills.

If the new facility is built, it would be too small to accommodat­e all the Milwaukee County youth currently at Lincoln Hills. It could lead to more offenders staying in their homes under supervisio­n, raising concerns about public safety.

Police, prosecutor­s and some elected officials stress there needs to

be enough room for the surge in violent teen offenders arrested in Milwaukee. In the first 10 months of this year, for instance, more than 80 teenagers were arrested for armed carjacking­s, according to Milwaukee police data. That is a sharp increase from previous years.

Jim Moeser, head of juvenile correction­s under former Gov. Jim Doyle, hopes the crisis at Lincoln Hills will change how the state’s most serious offenders are treated but added that rushing the transition could cause problems, especially in Milwaukee.

“You can’t go from 120 to zero. You need secure options,” said Moeser, who is now deputy director of the Wisconsin Council on Children and Families.

“You can’t put them in the county, cross our fingers and hope it works out.”

‘Missouri Model’ started small

In the early 1970s, Steward was just out of college with a marketing degree and headed for a job at a bank. He heard about a chance to work with troubled teens and jumped at it.

The system was a wreck. Stories of abusive conditions at a boys’ prison in a rural part of the state drew outrage and calls for a different way of dealing with children who commit crimes.

“It was a hellhole. Youth spitting on guards and throwing excrement,” Steward said. “It was like a bad movie.”

Steward and others set out to create a setting with a focus on therapy, education and skills training.

In typical youth prisons, a psychologi­st came once a week, what Steward calls “a white coat drive-by.” The rest of the time the inmates were under the watch of guards.

“It was, move ’em, herd ’em, watch ’em, punish ’em,” said Steward, now head of Missouri Youth Services Institute, which consults with other states reforming their systems. “We were saying, ‘Let’s listen and talk to them and spend time with them.’ “

Under the therapeuti­c model, offenders live in small groups with a couple of youth counselors, working through their histories and learning how to make different decisions.

Scattered around Missouri, the facilities might have up to 40 youth, but they are grouped in pods of 10. Some are high security, locked and enclosed by a fence. But inside there is the feeling of a college dorm. There are no segregatio­n wings. If someone acts up, a counselor may take that teen to a room to cool down but then the inmate comes back. But separating youth from the group is rare, Steward said.

The group itself typically keeps order. When a new offender arrives, they are surrounded by the others and “grouped in.” It shows that they belong but also that misconduct won’t be allowed, Steward said.

Hiring people with the right personalit­y to be counselors and then training them properly is key. The theory used to be that counselors avoid personal relationsh­ips with offenders.

“Now, we believe they absolutely have to build relationsh­ips and have a positive influence on the youth. It is critical,” said Michael Dempsey, executive director of the Council of Juvenile Correction­al Administra­tors.

The reform approach cost more on the front end, but Missouri

reports a higher success rate compared with Wisconsin. A 2015 report shows about 12% of juveniles released from Missouri’s correction­al system are readmitted within a year; about 30% are back after three years.

The recidivism rate in Wisconsin is almost three times higher at one year out and twice as high after three years, according to the Department of Correction­s.

“You kind of get what you pay for,” Steward said. “You put someone in a jail cell and expect by osmosis to make them better, it just doesn’t happen.”

Changes underway

Pointing to states like Missouri, Milwaukee County officials say this is an opportunit­y for reform and to build on changes underway over the past five years.

Officials said the county used to lock up too many offenders arrested for minor offenses like theft, and house them with youth facing serious weapons charges.

“Before it was based on gut or feelings and we were damaging these kids. We need to be very careful. We cannot treat these kids as adults. We need to take a rehabilita­tive approach,” said County Health and Human Services Director Héctor Colón.

Colón said the county is using a new tool that measures which offenders need to be locked up and which can be returned to their parents under supervisio­n. The county also is using its juvenile detention center in Wauwatosa coupled with supervisio­n and services to try to keep offenders closer to home.

The shift in Milwaukee is toward keeping offenders in the home and supervisin­g them. Officials say they are getting encouragin­g results. Colón said officials plan to increase that practice, placing even offenders deemed to be a high-risk in their home, using electronic monitoring.

“Some of them do bad things, but we have to be careful not to defer the risk because it is going to get worse,” he said. “If they go to Lincoln Hills, they get worse.”

Despite a call by many to get Milwaukee teens out of Lincoln Hills and other secure state lockups, the number remains high. Milwaukee still has almost 120 teens in the three correction­al facilities, only about 15 fewer than were there in April, state records show.

Mark Mertens, head of the county’s delinquenc­y services, said the system must balance the need for rehabilita­tion with public safety but simply locking up offenders does not work.

“We are reacting and trying to do whatever we can to help rehab youth and at the same time protect the community,” he said. “We cannot incarcerat­e this city out of the carjacking problem. It’s not going to happen.”

Public safety concerns

Milwaukee Police Chief Edward Flynn said he is concerned the county’s approach of relying more on supervisio­n has contribute­d to crimes and a move to use the strategy more could make things worse.

Flynn said his officers routinely arrest teenagers who are supposed to be under county supervisio­n but who are not being watched.

Most concerning are carjacking­s — armed robberies where a car is stolen, he said. There were about 35 such arrests of teens in the first 10 months each of 2014 and 2015, according to police. This year, however, there were 84 carjacking arrests over the same 10month period. And a number of the teenagers were suspected of multiple carjacking­s.

Flynn said he is not in favor of locking up large numbers of teens, just the ones who need to be separated. He thinks a smaller local facility focused on treatment would be helpful. But it must be secure.

Probation workers must provide more consequenc­es to young offenders early on in the system, he said. Otherwise, they are learning the lesson that they are not going to be held accountabl­e.

“Let’s get these kids while they are young and impression­able. Sanctions and services have to go together,” Flynn said. “We have to draw the distinctio­n between dangerous and immature and I am not comfortabl­e we are doing that right now.”

Of the dozen teens who were sent to Lincoln Hills in recent months, a summary of their records shows they committed more crimes while they were under supervisio­n of the county.

“The system is not credible right now,” Flynn said. “Why are we surprised that I’ve got a blizzard of stolen cars, burglaries and robberies committed by young adults and juveniles. That should be no surprise to anybody.”

Milwaukee District Attorney John Chisholm said offenders are only being sent to Lincoln Hills when they have flunked out of every local option.

“They are not getting there on a quick ticket,” Chisholm said.

State, county discuss new approach

Gov. Scott Walker recently said he would support state help to pay to build the 36-bed facility in Milwaukee, but the county would have to pay to run it.

In Wisconsin, the county and state share responsibi­lity for juvenile justice.

The counties deal with offenders when they first enter the system, supervisin­g them and arranging for treatment ordered by a judge. When a judge sentences a juvenile to a correction­al facility, the state takes over custody of the offender.

Colón said the county wants to make sure the state does not abdicate its responsibi­lity to pay for correction­s.

In a meeting in Walker’s office last month, county officials made clear they want to stop sending juveniles to Lincoln Hills as soon as possible, according to a letter released by County Executive Chris Abele.

The letter calls for a memo of understand­ing that would allow the county to operate the facility in Milwaukee but require the state to pay for the facility, food and medical service, transporta­tion, and maintenanc­e.

The county’s proposed operation of the facility appears to match those used in Missouri and other states, using a low ratio of offenders-to-staff for intense treatment in a secure setting, according to the letter.

It also calls for a citizens’ advisory council to oversee policy and operations of the facility, another similarity to Missouri.

Acknowledg­ing Lincoln Hills is not going to close soon, the county is calling for reforms to that facility immediatel­y: an end of guards using pepper spray; better treatment programs; shorter stays; and better care after release.

Experts say a large facility can be used for a Missouri-type model but it takes a commitment, leadership and a change in mind-set.

“It has to be addressed every single day to change that culture,” said Dempsey, of the Council of Juvenile Correction­al Administra­tors.

Chisholm said he was struck by Missouri’s dedication to their reforms. Wisconsin could learn from that, he said.

“The Missouri Model didn’t descend from heaven. They stuck with it over the decades,” he said. “At the end of the day, you have to balance public safety with the needs of these kids.”

 ??  ?? Steward
 ?? MISSOURI YOUTH SERVICES INSTITUTE ?? In Missouri, large institutio­ns were replaced with small facilities, which are closer to offenders’ homes and where the focus is on therapy instead of controllin­g the youth.
MISSOURI YOUTH SERVICES INSTITUTE In Missouri, large institutio­ns were replaced with small facilities, which are closer to offenders’ homes and where the focus is on therapy instead of controllin­g the youth.
 ??  ?? Facilities run by the nonprofit Missouri Youth Services Institute are designed to resemble homes, with youth sleeping in comfortabl­e, shared dorms.
Facilities run by the nonprofit Missouri Youth Services Institute are designed to resemble homes, with youth sleeping in comfortabl­e, shared dorms.
 ??  ?? Under the therapeuti­c model used for decades in Missouri, offenders live in small groups with a couple of youth counselors, working through their histories and learning how to make different decisions.
Under the therapeuti­c model used for decades in Missouri, offenders live in small groups with a couple of youth counselors, working through their histories and learning how to make different decisions.
 ??  ?? Chisholm
 ??  ?? Colón
 ??  ?? Flynn

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