Miami Herald

Pope chides Europe, comforts migrants in trip to Greece


Pope Francis returned Sunday to the Greek island of Lesbos to offer comfort to migrants at a refugee camp and blast what he said was Europe’s indifferen­ce and self-interest “that condemns to death those on the fringes.”

“Please, let us stop this shipwreck of civilizati­on!” Francis said at the Mavrovouni camp, a cluster of white U.N. containers on the edge of the sea lined by barbed wire fencing and draped with laundry drying in the air.

A maskless Francis took his time walking through the camp Sunday, patting children and babies on the head and posing for selfies. He gave a “thumbs up” after he was serenaded by African women singing a song of welcome.

It was Francis’ second trip to Lesbos in five years. He lamented that little had changed since 2016, when Lesbos was at the heart of a massive wave of migration to Europe and when Francis brought 12 Syrian Muslim refugees from the island back home with him aboard the papal plane.

That concrete gesture of solidarity had raised hopes among current residents of the Lesbos camp, some of whom have given birth to children here while waiting

for their asylum claims to be processed. But there were no papal airlifts on Sunday and Francis returns to the Vatican on Monday.

“It is a grace for us that the pope is coming here. We have a lot of problems here as refugees, a lot of suffering,” said Enice Kiaku from Congo, whose 2-year-old son on her lap was born on Lesbos. But like little Guilain, she has no identity documents and is stuck.

“The arrival of the pope here makes us feel blessed, because we hope the pope will take us with him because here we suffer,” Kiaku said as she waited in a tent for the pope to arrive.

Francis’ five-day trip to Cyprus and Greece has been dominated by the topic of migration and Francis’ call for European countries to show greater solidarity with those in need. He insisted Sunday that Europe must stop building walls, stoking fears and shutting out “those in greater need who knock at our door.”

During the first leg of Francis’ trip in Cyprus, the Vatican announced that 12 migrants who had crossed over from the breakaway Turkish Cypriot north would be relocated to Italy in the coming weeks. Cypriot officials, who say the European Union island nation can’t accept more migrants, said a total of 50 would eventually be sent.

“I ask every man and woman, all of us, to overcome the paralysis of fear, the indifferen­ce that kills, the cynical disregard that nonchalant­ly condemns to death those on the fringes!” Francis said Sunday. “Let us stop ignoring reality, stop constantly shifting responsibi­lity, stop passing off the issue of migration to others, as if it mattered to no one and was only a pointless burden to be shouldered by somebody else!”

He denounced that the Mediterran­ean Sea, “the cradle of so many civilizati­ons,” had become a vast cemetery where smuggling boats packed with desperate people too often sink. “Let us not let our sea [mare nostrum] be transforme­d into a desolate sea of death [mare mortuum],” he said.

Sitting before him in a tent at the water’s edge was Greek President Katerina Sakellarop­oulou, EU Commission Vice Presidet Margaritis Schinas and would-be refugees from Afghanista­n, Iraq and Congo, among other countries.

Addressing the pope, Sakellarop­oulou strongly defended Greece’s response to the needs of migrants and thanked Francis for showing his support with his presence.

“It is the strong message of hope and responsibi­lity that is conveyed from Lesbos to the internatio­nal community,” she said.

 ?? YANNIS KOLESIDIS AP ?? Pope Francis leads a Mass at the Athens Concert Hall on Sunday. His five-day trip to Cyprus and Greece has been dominated by the topic of migration and his call for Europe to show greater solidarity with those in need.
YANNIS KOLESIDIS AP Pope Francis leads a Mass at the Athens Concert Hall on Sunday. His five-day trip to Cyprus and Greece has been dominated by the topic of migration and his call for Europe to show greater solidarity with those in need.

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