Miami Herald



Abbey Abbondando­lo – partner with local authoritie­s to compile and uncover enough compelling evidence for an arrest and conviction. To date, the team has successful­ly helped bring about 49 arrests and 21 conviction­s. The Dick Wolf-produced true-crime series never fails to turn up astounding oversights in cases where police department­s are small and the murder victims are economical­ly depressed. A must-watch staple of the true-crime genre.


(ID Channel, now airing) She’s a criminal defense attorney. He’s a retired homicide detective. Together, Fatima Silva and Chris Anderson make up the team behind “Reasonable Doubt,” ID’s weekly half-hour forensic investigat­ive series that seeks to uncover the truth behind contested conviction­s. The duo use their collective expertise, and plenty of outside resources, to reexamine murder cases at the request of families and advocates who believe the wrong person is behind bars.

The series, which wraps up its fourth season Sept. 20 and will be available to stream on Discovery+ on Sept. 21, often focuses on the cases of convicts who don’t have the resources to employ their own private detectives or non-courtappoi­nted defense attorneys to clear their names. Silva and Anderson review the evidence with law enforcemen­t and witnesses familiar with the case and consult with outside forensic teams and experts before coming to their own conclusion­s. Is there a realistic chance for an appeal, or do the supporters of the incarcerat­ed need to face the crushing truth that their loved one may have been rightfully convicted of murder? The duo help the emotionall­y stuck families of the convicted move on, one way or another.


(Netflix, now airing) In 1978, Billy Milligan became the first person in U.S. history to cite multiple personalit­y disorder in an insanity defense. But were his multiple personalit­ies really controllin­g his actions, or were they simply the pretext of a dangerous, narcissist­ic sociopath? Netflix’s four-part investigat­ive series revisits those questions, and the crimes of the rapist who terrorized Ohio State University before his arrest and made subsequent claims that he had no memory of the assaults. French film director Olivier Megaton (“Taken 2” and “3”) applies a cinematic lens to the docuseries format as he follows the Milligan family, friends, doctors and law enforcemen­t who are still trying to understand Milligan’s state of mind at the time of his alleged crimes and at trial.

A litany of psychiatri­sts diagnosed Milligan, who was in his 20s when he was accused, with “multiple personalit­y disorder” (known now as dissociati­ve identity disorder). They determined he had as many as 24 distinct “multiples,” which led a jury to find Milligan innocent by reason of insanity. The landmark verdict rocked the criminal justice system, and its repercussi­ons are still being debated today.


(Showtime, Oct. 10)

How reliable is the human memory? Dependable enough to convict someone

of murder decades after a crime? “Buried” follows the gripping story of Eileen Franklin, who, while playing with her young daughter, suddenly had a memory of witnessing the 1969 rape and murder of her childhood best friend, 8-year-old Susan Nason, in their hometown of Foster City, California. It led to the reopening of the 20-yearold cold case, and in a shocking twist, Franklin remembered that the culprit was her own father, George Franklin.

Armed with Eileen’s story, San Mateo County prosecutor­s won a conviction in 1990, sentencing George to life in prison. It was a first. Never before had recovered memory been used in a criminal prosecutio­n. The docuseries follows the consequenc­es of that fateful decision via the first-person testimonia­ls of family,

neighbors, memory experts and law enforcemen­t and mental health profession­als, exploring the questions it sparked about the accuracy and reliabilit­y of “repressed memory,” especially when applied to traumatic events. The impact of Eileen Franklin’s recollecti­on on the legal and mental health communitie­s is a drama unto itself and even overshadow­s the horrific crime that precipitat­ed this decades-old family/ courtroom saga.


(PBS, November TBA) The 1967 murder of NAACP leader Wharlest Jackson Sr. in Natchez, Mississipp­i, and a family’s search for answers are at the heart of this documentar­y from “Frontline’s” Un(re)solved initiative, a project that investigat­es civil rightsera cold-case killings. From acclaimed directors Brad Lichtenste­in and Yoruba Richen, the film chronicles the journey of Jackson’s family as they search for the truth about what happened to Jackson, combining verite footage, interviews, extensive reporting and neverbefor­e-seen archival material. His death from a car bomb is one of more than 150 murders investigat­ed under the Emmett Till Unsolved Civil Rights Crime Act, signed into law in 2008 in an effort to solve the killings of those who were never given justice. The FBI interviewe­d several hundred people in its investigat­ion into Jackson’s death, but no one was ever prosecuted and the case was ultimately closed.

Now, collaborat­ing with Concordia Sentinel journalist Stanley Nelson, the filmmakers interview experts and witnesses and look into allegation­s of the involvemen­t of a Ku Klux Klan offshoot, the Silver Dollar Group. The film gives context to today’s racial reckoning, and how far we have to go to heal the wounds – and right the wrongs – of America’s violent past.



Veteran Baltimore police detective Sean Suiter is found shot dead while on duty. Was it murder, suicide or a hit ordered from within his own department? Directed by “The Wire” star Sonja Sohn, who also delivered the gripping 2017 doc “Baltimore Rising,” “The Slow Hustle” explores the shady circumstan­ces around Suiter’s death and uncovers a scandal replete with corrupt cops, multiple cover-ups and a failed political system.

 ?? NETFLIX TNS ?? ‘Monsters Inside: The 24 Faces of Billy Milligan’ is on Netflix.
NETFLIX TNS ‘Monsters Inside: The 24 Faces of Billy Milligan’ is on Netflix.

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