Miami Herald

Biden ending U.S. support for Saudi-led offensive in Yemen


President Joe Biden announced Thursday the United States was ending support for a grinding fiveyear Saudi-led military offensive in Yemen that has deepened suffering in the Arabian peninsula’s poorest country, calling the move part of restoring a U.S. emphasis on diplomacy, democracy and human rights.

“The war has created a humanitari­an and strategic catastroph­e,” Biden told diplomats in his first visit to the State Department as president. ”This war has to end.”

The Yemen reversal is one of a series of changes Biden laid out Thursday that he said would be part of a course correction for U.S. foreign policy. That’s after President Donald Trump — and some Republican and Democratic administra­tions before his — often aided authoritar­ian leaders abroad in the name of stability.

The announceme­nt on Yemen fulfills a campaign pledge. But it also shows Biden putting the spotlight on a major humanitari­an crisis that the United States has helped aggravate. The reversing of policy also comes as a rebuke to Saudi Arabia, a global oil giant and U.S. strategic partner.

The ending of U.S. support for the offensive will not affect any U.S. operations against the Yemenbased al Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, or AQAP, group, national security adviser Jake Sullivan said.

Biden also announced an end to “relevant’’ U.S. arms sales but gave no immediate details on what that would mean. The administra­tion already has said it was pausing some of the billions of dollars in arms deals with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia’s main partner in its Yemeni offensive.

While withdrawin­g support for Saudi offensive operations in Yemen, the Biden administra­tion said it intends to help the kingdom boost its defenses against any further attacks from Yemen’s Houthis or outside adversarie­s. The assurance is seen as part of an effort to persuade Saudi Arabia and other combatants to end the conflict overall.

Saudi Arabia’s top officials made no immediate public response. They have offered a series of conciliato­ry gestures and remarks since Biden’s election, seeking to soothe the 75-yearold relationsh­ip with the United States.

Yemen, the biblical kingdom of Sheba, has one of the world’s oldest constantly occupied cities — the more than 2,000-year-old Sanaa — along with mud brick skyscraper­s and hauntingly beautiful landscapes of steep, arid mountains. But decades of Yemeni misgovernm­ent have worsened factional divisions and halted developmen­t, and years of conflict have now drawn in interventi­on by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Iran, which officials say has lent increasing support to the


The Obama administra­tion in 2015 gave its approval to Saudi Arabia leading a cross-border air campaign targeting the Houthi rebels, who had seized Sanaa and other territory and were sporadical­ly launching missiles into Saudi Arabia.

U.S. targeting assistance to Saudi Arabia’s commandand-control was supposed to minimize civilian casualties in airstrikes. But Saudi-led strikes since then have killed numerous Yemeni civilians, including schoolboys on a bus and fishermen in their boats. Survivors display fragments showing the bombs to be American-made.

The stalled war has failed to dislodge the Houthis and is helping deepen hunger and poverty. Internatio­nal rights experts say both the Gulf countries and Houthis have committed severe rights abuses.

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