McDonald County Press

Pineville Fire Auxiliary to host annual spaghetti and chili dinner

- By alexus unDerwooD

PINEVILLE—The Pine–ville Fire Auxiliary will host its 10th annual spaghetti and chili fundraiser dinner on Friday, March 15. The dinner will be held at the Pineville Community Center from 5 to 8 p.m. and include chili, spaghetti, and dessert.

The all-you-can-eat dinner is $8 per person. The food will be prepared by the Pineville Fire Auxiliary and served by auxiliary members and fire department members.

Pineville Fire Chief Ryan Drake said the fundraiser allows the community to come together.

“We like to offer an opportunit­y for the public to come out and enjoy a meal,” Drake said, “to get together and visit with each other, talk to the firefighte­rs while trying to raise some

money to help the department keep providing the services we’ve been able to provide over the last several years.”

Drake said the funds from the dinner will go toward the “general

fund” for the department, with funds in the past previously used for things such as updated equipment, tools, or general financial needs.

Drake said community members

should attend the fundraiser because they can support the fire department while also making connection­s with department members.

“It’s an opportunit­y for the community to come out, eat a meal together, visit with firefighte­rs — these are the ones who are coming out in their time of need,” Drake said. “They can come, see us not on their worst day but in a good light and ask any questions they might have.”

Also, at the dinner, raffle tickets will be sold for three different guns.

“We’re going to be offering a gun raffle that we’re going to be starting at the chili dinner this year,” Drake said. “The three guns that are going to be raffled off are a Black Rain AR-15, a 12-gauge shotgun, and a .22 long rifle. Tickets are $20 apiece or 6 for $100. We are going to sell 500 tickets, and every ticket is eligible for every raffle.”

Individual­s interested in the event can find more informatio­n on the Pineville Auxiliary Facebook page.

 ?? Daniel Bereznicki/McDonald County Press ?? Pineville Fire Department’s volunteer firefighte­rs include (left to right) Lane Ziemianim, Mike Leake, William Ziemianim, Ryan Drake, Robert Drake, Rae Lynne Drake, Chastity Derrisseau­x and Zachary Payton.
Daniel Bereznicki/McDonald County Press Pineville Fire Department’s volunteer firefighte­rs include (left to right) Lane Ziemianim, Mike Leake, William Ziemianim, Ryan Drake, Robert Drake, Rae Lynne Drake, Chastity Derrisseau­x and Zachary Payton.

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