McDonald County Press

Are You Getting Enough Healthy Sleep?


Do you feel tired often — find yourself fighting not to fall asleep while you wait at the doctor’s office or at the auto repair shop? You may not be getting enough healthy sleep.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services says adults should get seven to eight hours of sleep each night and teens should get at least nine hours. Young children need at least 10 hours of sleep, pre- school children need 11 to 12 hours, and infants should sleep 16 to 18 hours a day.

“Our bodies depend on a consistent period of solid rest every night,” says administra­tor Paige Behm. “Health experts say getting the recommende­d amount of sleep will help you maintain a healthy weight, fight off germs, lower your risk of high blood pressure and diabetes and improve your brainpower and mood.”

To make sure everyone in your family is getting enough sleep, experts recommend these tips:

Exercise regularly —Physical activity during the day will help you fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly. Just don’t exercise right before bedtime or you may have difficulty falling asleep.

Manage stress — Thinking about issues all night can keep you awake. Get organized, set priorities and delegate. Before you go to bed, write down what is causing you stress and then put your list away until morning.

Limit daytime naps — If you have to nap during the day, keep it to no more than 30 minutes in the mid-afternoon.

Watch what you eat and drink — Don’t go to bed too full or too hungry. Also, remember that nicotine, caffeine and alcohol can take hours to wear off, preventing sleep.

Stick to a schedule — Go to bed and get up at the same time each day to develop a consistent sleepwake cycle for your body.

Follow a bedtime ritual — A warm bath, reading or listening to soft music lets your body know to settle down and get ready for sleep.

Create a comfortabl­e sleep environmen­t —A cool, dark and quiet room minimizes distractio­ns from sleep.

Just about everyone has a restless or sleepless night once in a while, but talk to your health care provider if you have trouble sleeping often.

Learn more by calling 417-223-7122 or by visiting www.mcdonaldco­

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