Marysville Appeal-Democrat

California will have indoor heat standards for workplaces – with a cruel exception

- By Nicholas Shapiro and Bharat Jayram Venkat

A state board recently voted unanimousl­y to create long-awaited indoor heat standards for California workers. After a final legal review, that will mean protection­s for millions of people with jobs in warehouses, kitchens and other workplaces that are getting dangerousl­y hot as the climate warms.

The board made one glaring exception, however — for prisons and jails. The state Department of Finance had withdrawn its support for the standards just as they were about to be approved in March, noting that the rules would cost prisons and jails billions of dollars. To salvage the regulation­s, the California Division of Occupation­al Safety and Health, known as CAL/OSHA, excluded such facilities from the standards.

Opponents of the standards point to the high costs associated with installing and running cooling systems, offering workers more breaks and other ways of adapting to heat. And adapting to climate change is indeed costly. So excluding prisons and jails may seem like a straightfo­rward, pragmatic way to cut the cost of regulation­s that will undoubtedl­y be expensive anyway.

Research has suggested, however, that the regulation­s could save up to$875 million annually by preventing heatrelate­d injuries among California workers. And the threat is only growing more urgent: Last summer was the hottest on record, and this one might prove even hotter.

Extreme heat kills more people than all other extreme weather events or natural disasters, though these deaths are often hard to recognize and tend to fall through the cracks of official counts. Heat can also contribute to a range of illnesses and injuries, from kidney disorders, strokes and exhaustion to workplace accidents. And heat can exacerbate underlying health conditions.

The need for indoor heat regulation­s, in short, is clear. Lives can be saved by imposing these rules as quickly as possible, especially as the summer heat descends on us.

CAL/OSHA has indicated that it may eventually develop separate standards for California’s prisons and jails. But it’s taken nearly a decade to come this close to adopting indoor heat standards for other facilities. Because of the high cost

of cooling prisons, a sense that air conditioni­ng is a “luxury” and a dehumanizi­ng belief that incarcerat­ed people are not worthy of such care, it seems unlikely that we’ll see separate heat standards for such facilities anytime soon.

Yet the danger of heat in California’s prisons and jails is undeniable. Incarcerat­ed people are especially susceptibl­e to extreme heat for several reasons, including the locations of jails and prisons, the way they’re built, their general lack of air conditioni­ng and ventilatio­n, the prevalence among prisoners of health conditions that heat can worsen and

the use of psychiatri­c drugs that exacerbate the consequenc­es of heat. Incarcerat­ed people are on the bleeding edge of vulnerabil­ity to climate change.

California has a moral and legal obligation to ensure that incarcerat­ed people are protected from heat. As the legal scholar Sharon Dorovich has detailed, society’s right to incarcerat­e anyone is rooted in a “carceral bargain” made by the state that entails “an ongoing affirmativ­e obligation to meet the basic human needs” of inmates. The constituti­onal prohibitio­n of cruel punishment makes this duty “nonnegotia­ble.”

The state is failing to uphold its end of this bargain. A recent survey

of people imprisoned in California found that two-thirds of respondent­s had experience­d extreme heat and that state plans to protect them have not been implemente­d.

Like climate adaptation, incarcerat­ing people is expensive: California spends an estimated $132,860 a year in public funds to keep one person in custody. If we can’t provide for those people’s basic needs, we are obligated to release them.

The state’s nonpartisa­n Legislativ­e Analyst’s Office recently calculated that deactivati­ng five California prisons would save $1 billion annually. Closing prisons according to a road map developed by California­ns United for a Responsibl­e Budget could

cover the cost of climatepro­ofing the remaining facilities. With 13,000 empty beds, a number projected to swell further, we have the capacity to do so.

Downsizing a dilapidate­d and bloated prison system makes fiscal sense for a state in the red. And as temperatur­es continue to rise, closing prisons and jails is an increasing­ly promising strategy for pragmatic and ethical climate adaptation that won’t break the bank and will save lives.

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