Marysville Appeal-Democrat



Re: Kristi Noem, aka Puppy-killer

Kristi Noem, aka Puppy-killer, is still in the running to become Trump’s pick for Vice President. After Noem’s book revealed that she shot to death Cricket, her 14-month-old Wirehaired Terrier, many forecasted that her chances of becoming the VP were dead-in-the-water.

Not so fast. Trump is notorious for placing the value of a dog’s life on the lowest rung. Some of his more famous quotes regarding dogs include: “Choked like a dog” “She (looks like) a dog” “…died like a dog” “Having pets is low class.”

Trump breathed new life into Noem’s VP aspiration­s saying he “likes her a lot” and that “she’s had a rough couple of days,” and “we all have bad weeks.” Trump was the first president not to have pets in the White House in 100 years. On the campaign trail, President Joe Biden, declared, “Let’s put dogs back in the White House.”

People who care about animals are generally kind, responsibl­e, have a good sense of humor and strong communicat­ion skills – all good traits for the leader of the free world. Having a Puppy-killer as the first in line to become the US president doesn’t bode well for animals or people.

Shelley Frost Nevada County

Re: Sutter County

Back in 1979 my father and his friend were shot dead. They were shot and killed by a man who undoubtedl­y had mental issues. It was claimed to be self-defense and maybe it was.

I am writing this not to dispute it, but to tell you how the county of Sutter let the murderer of my father and his friend go after 9 months. Sutter County cared for his needs at that time and then let him go right back into the community.

I know it’s been a long time since to say something now. Perhaps I could never put it into words until now.

As I said before they let him go right back into the area with nothing except probation, can you believe it? I ran into him at a store back in the early 80s. I didn’t know what to do. I just looked at him. I have since forgiven him and in a certain way, I have forgiven Sutter County.

I have just one thing to say to the Sutter County Court system. Try to do better. I have spent years dealing with what happened as a young man and an adult. Try to do better Sutter County.

Edward Inay Marysville

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