Marin Independent Journal

Trump Media stock falls more than 18%

- By Matthew Goldstein and Joe Rennison

Shares of former President Donald Trump's social media company plunged Monday after the company filed to register the potential sale of tens of millions of additional shares.

Trump Media & Technology's stock fell 18.3%, erasing hundreds of millions of dollars from the company's market value — and putting a dent in Trump's majority stake. Since a surge in its first days of trading as Trump Media, which lifted the value of the company to about $8 billion at one point last month, the company's shares have dropped by about 60%.

Trump Media was expected to register the potential sale of new shares after the completion of its merger last month with Digital World Acquisitio­n Corp., a cash-rich shell company known as a SPAC, or special purpose acquisitio­n company. Companies that merge with SPACs typically file a registrati­on statement a few weeks after the deal is completed for the sale of additional securities held by early investors.

In the filing, Trump Media — the parent company of Truth Social — registered more than 146 million shares of stock that could be sold, along with 21 million shares that were converted after the exercise of warrants, which enable an investor to buy shares at a preset price. When a SPAC goes public, it issues warrants to investors that can later be converted into shares.

Even though the company said the investors weren't planning to sell those shares immediatel­y, investors reacted to the notion that if a flood of new shares were to hit the market, they could depress the company's stock price.

Also included in the filing were an additional 36 million shares given to Trump as part of an “earnout” bonus based on the company's stock price. With those additional shares, Trump has about 115 million shares of

Trump Media, or 65% of the company's stock.

Some of the shares registered for sale included stock held by large hedge funds such as Anson Funds, Hudson Bay, Mangrove Partners and Washington Muse Investment­s, which had acquired discounted shares or warrants from Digital World before the merger with Trump Media. Others, such as Millennium Partners and Pentwater Capital, had built up stakes in the company by buying warrants.

Trump Media will not receive any of the proceeds from shares sold by investors, but it could receive tens of millions in cash from the exercise of the warrants.

Trump Media said in a news release Monday that the filing did not imply that the shareholde­rs listed in the statement were planning to sell shares. The company also noted that the filing did not alter a six-month restrictio­n Trump and other big shareholde­rs from selling their shares before sometime in late September.

The registrati­on statement must still be reviewed and approved by the Securities and Exchange Commission before any stockholde­rs can sell shares.

Some investors had been betting that Trump Media's stock price would collapse after the expected share registrati­on was filed, seeking to profit from the move. Fund managers including Marshall Wace and Zazove Associates have been large holders of Trump Media's warrants, according to regulatory filings. Those warrants have been trading at a much lower price than Trump Media's shares, in part because they were yet to be registered and also because of the ferocious rally in the stock when it first began trading.

To profit from this difference, the funds shorted the stock, betting that it would fall once the warrants were registered, according to people with knowledge of the funds' trades. Marshall Wace and Zazove declined to comment.

 ?? MICHELLE GUSTAFSON — THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? Former President Donald Trump speaks during a rally Saturday at a fairground­s in Schnecksvi­lle, Pa. The price of shares in his media company has dropped by about 60%.
MICHELLE GUSTAFSON — THE NEW YORK TIMES Former President Donald Trump speaks during a rally Saturday at a fairground­s in Schnecksvi­lle, Pa. The price of shares in his media company has dropped by about 60%.

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