Marin Independent Journal

UN weather agency issues `red alert' on climate change

- By Jamey Keaten and Seth Borenstein

The U.N. weather agency is sounding a “red alert” about global warming, citing record-smashing increases last year in greenhouse gases, land and water temperatur­es and melting of glaciers and sea ice, and is warning that the world's efforts to reverse the trend have been inadequate.

The World Meteorolog­ical Organizati­on said there is a “high probabilit­y” that 2024 will be another record-hot year.

The Geneva-based agency, in a “State of the Global Climate” report released Tuesday, ratcheted up concerns that a muchvaunte­d climate goal is increasing­ly in jeopardy: That the world can unite to limit planetary warming to no more than 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) from pre-industrial levels.

“Never have we been so close — albeit on a temporary basis at the moment — to the 1.5° C lower limit of the Paris agreement on climate change,” said Celeste Saulo, the agency's secretary-general. “The WMO community is sounding the red alert to the world.”

The 12-month period from March 2023 to February 2024 pushed beyond that 1.5-degree limit, averaging 1.56 C (2.81 F) higher, according to the European Union's Copernicus Climate Service. It said the calendar year 2023 was just below 1.5 C at 1.48 C (2.66 F), but a record hot start to this year pushed beyond that level for the 12-month average.

“Earth's issuing a distress call,” U.N. SecretaryG­eneral Antonio Guterres said. “The latest State of the Global Climate report shows a planet on the brink. Fossil fuel pollution is sending climate chaos off the charts.”

Omar Baddour, WMO's chief of climate monitoring, said the year after an El Niño event — the cyclical warming of the Pacific Ocean that affects global weather patterns — normally tends to be warmer.

“So we cannot say definitive­ly about 2024 is going to be the warmest year. But what I would say: There is a high probabilit­y that 2024 will again break the record of 2023, but let's wait and see,” he said. “January was the warmest January on record. So the records are still being broken.”

The latest WMO findings are especially stark when compiled in a single report. In 2023, over 90% of ocean waters experience­d heat wave conditions at least once. Glaciers monitored since 1950 lost the most ice on record. Antarctic sea ice retreated to its lowest level ever.

“Topping all the bad news, what worries me the most is that the planet is now in a meltdown phase — literally and figurative­ly given the warming and mass loss from our polar ice sheets,” said Jonathan Overpeck, dean of the University of Michigan School for Environmen­t and Sustainabi­lity, who wasn't involved in the report.

Saulo called the climate crisis “the defining challenge that humanity faces” and said it combines with a crisis of inequality, as seen in growing food insecurity and migration.

WMO said the impact of heatwaves, floods, droughts, wildfires and tropical cyclones, exacerbate­d by climate change, was felt in lives and livelihood­s on every continent in 2023.

“This list of recordsmas­hing events is truly distressin­g, though not a surprise given the steady drumbeat of extreme events over the past year,” said University of Arizona climate scientist Kathy Jacobs, who also wasn't involved in the WMO report. “The full cost of climatecha­nge-accelerate­d events across sectors and regions has never been calculated in a meaningful way, but the cost to biodiversi­ty and to the quality of life of future generation­s is incalculab­le.”

But the U.N. agency also acknowledg­ed “a glimmer of hope” in trying to keep the Earth from running too high a fever. It said renewable energy generation capacity from wind, solar and waterpower rose nearly 50% from 2022 — to a total of 510 gigawatts.

“The target of 1.5C degree warming still holds, just like a speed limit on the highway still holds even if we temporaril­y exceed it,” said Malte Meinshause­n, a professor of climate science at the University of Melbourne in Australia. “What is more urgent than ever is to grasp the economic opportunit­ies that arise due to the low-cost renewables at our disposal, to decarboniz­e the electricit­y sector, and electrify other sectors.”

“We need to step on the brakes of ever-increasing GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions,” said Meinshause­n, who also was not involved in the report. “And hopeful signs are there, that GHG emissions are about to peak.”

The report comes as climate experts and government ministers are to gather in the Danish capital, Copenhagen, on Thursday and Friday to press for greater climate action, including increased national commitment­s to fight global warming.

“Each year the climate story gets worse; each year WMO officials and others proclaim that the latest report is a wake-up call to decision makers,” said University of Victoria climate scientist Andrew Weaver, a former British Columbia lawmaker.

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