Marin Independent Journal

Porter says she regrets accusation that Senate primary was `rigged'

- By Benjamin Oreskes

Outspoken Rep. Katie Porter is cleaning up after a controvers­ial comment she made in the aftermath of her California Senate primary loss to fellow Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff and Republican Steve Garvey.

Days after the March 5 primary, when it became clear she wouldn't win, Porter tweeted a thanks to her supporters accompanie­d by a dig. “Because of you, we had the establishm­ent running scared withstandi­ng 3 to 1 in TV spending and an onslaught of billionair­es spending millions to rig this election,” Porter wrote on X.

Democratic leaders denounced Porter's comments for echoing the rhetoric of former President Donald Trump, the current frontrunne­r for the 2024 Republican presidenti­al nomination, who has falsely claimed that the 2020 presidenti­al election was stolen by President Joe Biden.

Some of the sharpest criticism came from California Sen. Alex Padilla, a Democrat and the state's former chief elections officer. Normally reserved, Padilla told Politico: “I can assure you of the integrity of the elections and the results.” The pileon continued and some said

this could tank her chances of running for office in the future.

In an appearance on Pod Save America, Porter sounded somewhat chastened but remained defiant about a larger point.

“Obviously, I wish I had chosen a different word, because what happened with the controvers­y was it took away from two really important truths,” the Irvine congresswo­man told the hosts.

Porter said she thought “California election officials do a terrific job” and that she had “tremendous respect for them.”

Her mea culpa ended there and she went on to say that a larger point got lost in the uproar, which

was about the influence of money in politics. Over the final month of the election, Porter bashed a network of tech investors and cryptocurr­ency interests who poured $10 million into advertisin­g bashing the Irvine congresswo­man.

She also lambasted Schiff for spending tens of millions of dollars in campaign funds to boost the profile of Garvey, a former baseball player, by saying “he was too conservati­ve for California.” These ads had the effect of helping the former Padres and Dodgers baseball star to consolidat­e support among the smaller but still significan­t number of Republican­s in the state, which proved to be enough for him to leapfrog prominent Democratic rivals Porter and Rep. Barbara Lee of Oakland.

“Big money does influence our elections. Outcomes are manipulate­d and distorted,” Porter said.

“When you have people coming in spending millions and millions of dollars at the last minute, and that money is not disclosed until after the election. So people don't know about it.”

One official from Coinbase, which has the highest trading volume of any cryptocurr­ency exchange in the U.S., previously told the Los Angeles Times that it is backing candidates who “think about crypto as an opportunit­y to really make a difference to change, to protect jobs, to protect national security.”

Porter lamented in the podcast that her views of currency exchanges and blockchain technologi­es weren't discussed more openly even as these groups perceived her as skeptical of the industry. A voter guide prepared by Stand With Crypto a political 501(c)4 nonprofit organizati­on that is not required to disclose its donors described Schiff as “strongly supportive” of crypto and Porter as “strongly against.”

 ?? DAMIAN DOVARGANES — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, FILE ?? Rep. Katie Porter speaks to supporters at an election night party on March 5in Long Beach.
DAMIAN DOVARGANES — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, FILE Rep. Katie Porter speaks to supporters at an election night party on March 5in Long Beach.

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