Marin Independent Journal

As US reopens, campuses tighten restrictio­ns for virus

- ByLisaRath­keand Carolyn Thompson

BURLINGTON, VT. » About a year into mask mandates, nasal swabs and remote classes, the atmosphere turned tense at the University of Vermont as the school cracked down on rules for social distancing and face coverings amid a spike in student COVID-19 cases.

Students were handed hundreds of citations for violations like standing in another student’s doorway or walking maskless to a hallway restroom, igniting a student-led petition that blasted “strict and inhumane living conditions.”

“You start to feel suffocated like I’m afraid to leave my room,” freshman Patrick Welsh said in an interview on campus.

Even as restrictio­ns relax across much of the United States, colleges and universiti­es have taken new steps to police campus life as the virus spreads through students who are among the last adults to get access to vaccines. Administra­tors say they’ve needed to act urgently to avoid risking an early end to the semester or sending infected students home and spreading COVID-19.

In recent weeks, the University of Michigan punished hundreds of students for missing mandatory virus testing by deactivati­ng their access cards to nonresiden­tial buildings, and Cornell University announced that students would lose access to campus Wi-Fi, course materials and facilities for missing virus tests. The University of Chicago locked down residence halls for seven days and shifted classes online after finding more than 50 cases in a matter of days.

The measures come as administra­tors assess whether in-person commenceme­nt ceremonies are feasible, how to get students vaccinated and whether to make the shots a requiremen­t. The onset of warm weather and eased restrictio­ns outside campus gates pose additional challenges.

After recording 200 cases in the first two weeks of April, North Carolina Agricultur­al and Technical State University eliminated in-person dining and banned visitors from campus housing. While the state’s governor has lifted an outdoor mask mandate and doubled mass gathering limits to allow 100 people indoors and 200 people outdoors, the university has worked with law enforcemen­t to try to shut down off-campus events billed as “Aggie-Fest” celebratio­ns that target students, said Todd Simmons, associate vice chancellor for university relations.

“What we’re trying to prevail on students is two things. First, let’s not get commenceme­nt canceled with some sort of last-minute major surge in COVID infections, and secondly do not take a chance on taking a COVID infection home,” Simmons said.

The historical­ly Black university also has been pushing students to get vaccinated on campus, he said, bringing in speakers to address vaccine hesitancy.

At the University of Vermont, just under 100 students tested positive for the virus during the fall semester. But the numbers surged in the spring, with more than 680 students infected so far this semester. Gary Derr, vice president for operations

“You start to feel suffocated like I’m afraid to leave my room.” — Patrick Welsh, freshman

and public safety, said the fall semester got off to a smoother start because it was warm enough for students to socialize outside.

“We came back in the spring and we were stuck indoors,” he said. Like many campuses, there was no spring break to look forward to; the university didn’t want students bringing the virus back with them.

UVM students agree to a pledge that they will abide by school rules for preventing the spread of the coronaviru­s and violations can lead to fines, probation or suspension for repeated offenses.

 ?? SHAFKAT ANOWAR — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Students wearing masks make their way through the University of Chicago campus on Thursday.
SHAFKAT ANOWAR — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Students wearing masks make their way through the University of Chicago campus on Thursday.

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