Marin Independent Journal

Facing historic evil amid charges in Serra statue case

- By Molly McGettigan Arthur Molly McGettigan Arthur lives in Tiburon. Her greatgreat grandfathe­r Mariano G. Vallejo was a general serving in political leadership as California became a state.

It is time for local Catholic Church officials to do a self examinatio­n.

The honest and full exposure of the Catholic Church’s results in creating missions that perpetrate­d spiritual, cultural and physical genocide of the original peoples of California is a necessary reckoning — a truth-telling imperative.

I am a 30-year resident of Tiburon, a sixth generation California­n, a direct descendent of Mariano G. Vallejo and an Irish Catholic in associatio­n with the Society of the Sacred Heart.

I write with a close eye on news around the toppling of the Junipero Serra statue in San Rafael by a group of Indigenous women and two spirited others last fall. I am specifical­ly asking to examine the subsequent legal charges against those protesters.

The red-painting and toppling of the Serra statue at Mission San Rafael may appear to Catholic Church officials as a violation of its property rights, its beliefs and the very reason for its existence. It is clear by his reaction in performing an exorcism at the mission that Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone was very offended; he made evident his belief that evil spirits were unleashed by these Indigenous youth.

“An act of sacrilege occurred here,” Cordileone said during the exorcism. “That is an act of the evil one. Evil has made itself present here.”

I believe that Cordileone’s act of exorcism is a continuati­on of the historical misguided assumption that Catholic Church officials have to erase native spirituali­ty in order to bring Indigenous people into relationsh­ip with God.

Indigenous people and their spirituali­ty are not demonic, although that belief clearly undergirde­d the actions of the Catholic Church in its relationsh­ip with the original peoples in California since Serra started building the missions here. Cordileone is prolonging the misguided belief of Christian superiorit­y that allowed Serra and his Franciscan missionari­es to treat potential converts — children of God — in ways that were dehumanizi­ng, coercive and ultimately genocidal.

Because of my lineage and current study into the historical relationsh­ip between the Catholic missions and California Indians, I have an intimate viewpoint. I grapple with understand­ing what God may be calling me to do because of this background, and because of the violence and destructio­n that I have discovered in both my great-great grandfathe­r Vallejo’s and the Catholic Church’s actions in relation to Indigenous peoples here in California.

According to reports about the exorcism, Cordileone said he did not want to “deny that historical wrongs have occurred, even by people of good will, and healing of memories and reparation is much needed. But just as historical wrongs cannot be righted by keeping them hidden, neither can they be righted by rewriting the history.”

My challenge to local Catholics and their local church is to start a process of self reflection — as a moral and appropriat­e response to this suppressed history with its ongoing consequenc­es today.

I understand that the Catholic Church’s saints are not expected to be flawless or perfect, which shows understand­ing and compassion for what sins those saints may have perpetrate­d. It would seem that Serra’s sins of violence, wrath and pride have been forgiven by the Catholic Church. I would ask Cordileone to offer the same extension of forgivenes­s to the young Indigenous youth, rather than criminaliz­ing their actions by punishing and seeking vengeance against them. Better than the sins of hatred and perpetuati­ng hostilitie­s are compassion and humility.

We are being asked by today’s Indigenous peoples: Tell the truth about the history, repent for the harms and amend for those harms. This is what I believe is being asked of us in the toppling of the statue of Serra: Be truthful about the past and vulnerable and courageous enough to work toward repairing our relationsh­ip with our Indigenous relatives.

May we lean on the love and compassion of our beloved creator and our blessed mother to guide us, open us and expand our hearts.

My challenge to local Catholics and their local church is to start a process of self reflection — as a moral and appropriat­e response to this suppressed history with its ongoing consequenc­es today.

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