Los Angeles Times

Keep boundaries strong

- Email questions to Amy Dickinson at askamy@ amydickins­on.com.

Dear Amy: Three years ago, I successful­ly followed your advice on how to manage my boyfriend’s codependen­t family.

We are now engaged! Through therapy my fiancé and I have learned to navigate their emotional immaturity and have grown immensely as a couple.

I am now wondering about wedding planning. What are the expectatio­ns around including in-laws who do not act as though they want to be included?

Immediatel­y after we got engaged, my family began expressing excited enthusiasm for our plans.

His mother could not even crack a smile on the day of the engagement.

His family has not mentioned the engagement once since it happened (and we see them every week).

It seems incredibly awkward and presumptuo­us to say to his parents, “Would you like to be included financiall­y in the wedding planning?” or even, “We have started to plan, would you like to be involved?” when his family did not congratula­te us on the engagement.

Including them means conflict but so does excluding them.

What should we do?

Mixed Emotions

Dear Mixed: You seem averse to awkwardnes­s, and yet so much of wedding planning is awkward.

Whenever you accept someone’s money (or advice), there is a likelihood that they will interpret this as you “partnering” with them. Decide if you really want to accept money from people who have extreme boundary issues, and are completely uninterest­ed.

Is his family interested in hosting a rehearsal dinner (a traditiona­l role taken on by the groom’s family)? You could ask them if they would take that on and host it.

Otherwise, invite them as guests, save seats for them in the front of the venue, include them in photograph­s, and respect the boundaries you’ve establishe­d with as neutral an attitude as you can manage.

Remember that you and your guy are a team, and stick with your therapy. It will help you through this highly charged time.

Dear Amy: I’m responding to “Stuck,” who wanted to go to the Scottish Highlands with her sister, but her husband wouldn’t let her.

My wife and I have been together for 56 years. She has three sisters and had three first cousins. All were raised together.

My wife has spent her past three birthdays and wedding anniversar­ies in memory care with dementia.

But for a number of summers, she and some of the sisters and cousins went on “girls’ trips.”

The pictures I have show my wife in all of her summer beauty in Michigan, North Carolina and other locales.

My wife had our vehicle, a charge card for gas, lodgings and meals, as well as my blessings and cooperatio­n.

She was happy, and so was I.

Life can seem very short. Many opportunit­ies come but once, then disappear.

Illness has no calendar for good times.

“Stuck” should get unstuck, tell her husband to take a hike, and see what life has in store for her.

I wish the girl I first saw at 18 were here for more “girls’

trips” — and me! Mark in Missouri

Dear Mark: I have a feeling that when you close your eyes, you still see your wife “in all of her summer beauty.” Thank you for this.

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