Los Angeles Times

COVID and blood type: What’s the link?

There’s growing evidence that those with Type A are more likely to become severely ill if infected.

- By Karen Kaplan

If there’s one thing you want to know about COVID-19, it’s probably this: What’s my risk of getting it?

Researcher­s have identified certain factors that make some people more vulnerable than others. Men are at greater risk than women. Older people are at greater risk than younger people. Those with chronic health problems, such as Type 2 diabetes, obesity and serious heart conditions, are faring worse than those without them. Black and Latino Americans are at greater risk than Asian Americans and whites.

Now there’s evidence that blood type could be a risk factor, too.

A handful of studies have suggested that people with certain blood types are more likely to be hospitaliz­ed with COVID-19, while those with other blood types are less likely to require that level of care. The most recent evidence was published last month in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Here’s a look at what scientists have learned about blood type and its role in the COVID-19 pandemic.

How many blood types are there?

Eight. Yours is determined in part by the presence (or absence) of A and B antigens on your red blood cells. If you have only A antigens, your blood type is A. If you have only B antigens, your blood type is B. If you have both, your blood type is AB, and if you have neither, your blood type is O.

In addition, red blood cells may have a protein called Rh factor. If you have it, you’re Rh positive; if not, you’re Rh negative.

The combinatio­n of A and B antigens and the Rh factor produces the eight major blood types: A-positive, A-negative, B-positive, B-negative, AB-positive, AB-negative, O-positive and O-negative.

What did the New England Journal of Medicine study say about blood types?

Researcher­s analyzed genetic data from more than 1,600 patients hospitaliz­ed with severe cases of COVID-19 in Italy and Spain and compared them with about 2,200 others who didn’t have the disease. After making adjustment­s to account for the effects of age and gender on COVID-19 risk, the researcher­s found striking difference­s in blood types of the sick patients compared with the controls.

In this population, Type A blood was associated with a 45% increased risk of having severe COVID-19. Type O blood was associated with a 35%, or reduced, risk of the disease. Those relationsh­ips held up whether the Italian and Spanish patients were analyzed separately or together.

No other blood groups were associated with a greater or lesser risk of the disease. In addition, blood type did not seem to be linked to the risk of needing to be put on a mechanical ventilator.

The study design did not allow researcher­s to make any determinat­ion about whether blood type was associated with the risk of coronaviru­s infection or, upon infection, the risk of becoming severely ill.

“The hope is that these and other findings yet to come will point the way to a more thorough understand­ing of the biology of COVID-19,” Dr. Francis

Collins, a geneticist and director of the National Institutes of Health, wrote on his blog. “They also suggest that a genetic test and a person’s blood type might provide useful tools for identifyin­g those who may be at greater risk of serious illness.”

How does that line up with other research?

At least two other groups have looked for links between blood type and COVID-19 risk and found similar results.

The first inkling that blood type might have something to do with risk of the disease came in March from researcher­s in China, who compared 2,173 COVID-19 patients in three hospitals in Wuhan and Shenzhen to more than 27,000 “normal people.” They found that people with Type A blood had a 21% greater risk of the disease than those with other blood types, and that people with Type O blood had a 33% lower risk.

The following month, a team from Columbia University examined 1,559 people in the New York City area who were tested to see whether they were infected with the coronaviru­s that causes COVID-19. They found that having Type A blood was associated with a 34% greater chance of testing positive, while having Type O blood was associated with a 20% lower chance of testing positive.

In addition, people with Type AB blood were 44% less likely to test positive, although only 21 of the 682 people who tested positive for the coronaviru­s had AB blood.

The Columbia researcher­s noted that their findings about the risks associated with Type A and Type O were consistent with the results from China, even though the distributi­on of blood types was significan­tly different in the population­s of New York, Wuhan and Shenzhen.

Both of these reports were posted to the MedRxiv website, where researcher­s share preliminar­y data before it has been subjected to peer review.

Why would blood type have anything to do with COVID-19?

That’s not clear. Perhaps different combinatio­ns of A and B antigens change the immune system’s production of infection-fighting antibodies or have some other unknown biologic effect, the authors of the New England Journal of Medicine study wrote.

Another possibilit­y is that the genes associated with blood type also affect the ACE2 receptor on human cells, which the coronaviru­s seeks out and latches onto, they wrote.

How can I find out what my blood type is?

Your doctor may have it on file if it has been tested in the past.

If not, you can test it at home with a kit that includes an Eldoncard. The kit will require you to prick your finger to obtain a small blood sample, then mix it with antibodies to the A and B antigens that come on the card. If your red blood cells contain A or B antigens, they will react with the antibodies and clump up on the card.

If you see a reaction only to A antibodies, your blood type is A. Ditto for the B antibodies. If you see a reaction to both, your blood type is AB, and if there’s no reaction, your blood type is O.

An additional circle on the card contains antibodies to the protein called Rh factor. A reaction there indicates that you are Rh-positive; if nothing happens, you’re Rh-negative.

If that sounds like too much trouble, you can donate blood. If you go to the Red Cross, they’ll send you a donor card that indicates your blood type.

Should I be taking extra precaution­s if my blood type is A?

Everyone should be as careful as possible all the time, regardless of blood type. (That goes for those with Type O blood, too.)

If you’ve been outside or have come into contact with high-touch surfaces, wash your hands for at least 20 seconds. Wear a mask if you leave home, and maintain at least six feet of distance between yourself and others who are not members of your household.

Try not to touch your face so the virus can’t sneak into your body through your eyes, nose or mouth. And be sure to clean doorknobs, faucets, phones and other frequently touched surfaces every day.

 ?? Simon Dawson Associated Press ?? A PARAMEDIC takes a sample. A study says it’s possible that certain combinatio­ns of antigens in blood affect the production of infection-fighting antibodies.
Simon Dawson Associated Press A PARAMEDIC takes a sample. A study says it’s possible that certain combinatio­ns of antigens in blood affect the production of infection-fighting antibodies.

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