Los Angeles Times

Virus may sway some red states

Biden’s accusation that the president has fumbled the pandemic is starting to resonate.

- By Evan Halper Times staff writer Eli Stokols in Washington contribute­d to this report.

A surge of COVID-19 cases in Trump territory drives home Biden’s message.

WASHINGTON — As a resurgent coronaviru­s rips through America, tearing especially into states that voted for Donald Trump in 2016, rival Joe Biden is stepping up attacks on his handling of the crisis as polls show the president’s already weak support waning.

“Month after month, as other leaders in other countries took the necessary steps to get the virus under control, Donald Trump failed us,” Biden said in a speech Tuesday afternoon near his home in Wilmington, Del. “Just look at the record.”

The remarks came as Dr. Anthony Fauci painted a grim picture for Congress about the pathogen’s spread and the nation’s failure to curb it. “Clearly we are not in total control right now,” said Fauci, director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, in testimony that could further erode the nation’s confidence in Trump’s stewardshi­p. “We’re going in the wrong direction .... The numbers speak for themselves.”

Fauci said the nation is adding more than 40,000 cases of the novel coronaviru­s each day, and added, “I would not be surprised if we go up to 100,000 a day if this does not turn around.”

The failure to turn the trend in a positive direction, as other nations have been able to do, is a point Democrats are seizing on in their bid to cement the lead that presumptiv­e Democratic nominee Biden has built in recent weeks, as voter dissatisfa­ction with the White House response to the pandemic soars.

Unlike the initial wave of illness and death, the current surge is hitting particular­ly hard in several major red states. No longer can Trump cast the public health crisis as the fault of mismanagem­ent by Democratic governors and mayors, or depict it to his followers as a problem confined to blue coastal cities.

Amid the rise of COVID-19 cases in states such as Texas and Florida, Biden laid out a case against the president that appears to be gaining traction even with some Trump loyalists.

He presented a damning timeline of Trump’s response, arguing there were several points along the way where a more serious effort could have contained the infection, but Trump instead sidelined federal scientists and charted his own uninformed course.

Instead of demanding transparen­cy from China when the outbreak emerged there, Biden said, Trump spoke favorably of its efforts.

Rather than quickly use the Defense Production Act to accelerate production of protective gear for healthcare workers, Trump accused those workers of stealing masks. Instead of organizing national plans for contact tracing and cautiously reopening the economy, Biden said, Trump suggested Americans inject themselves with disinfecta­nt.

“We’re facing a serious threat, and we must meet it as one country. But this president gives us no direction. He pits us against one another,” Biden said.

“We can’t continue,” he added, “half with a plan and half just hoping for the best.”

The themes of Trump’s incompeten­cy and divisivene­ss are not new to Biden, but the attacks are becoming considerab­ly more potent as rates of sickness soar across the South and West and governors are forced to roll back businesses’ reopenings.

“The statewide lockdowns that so many Americans

lived under for months were intended to buy us the time to get our act together,” Biden said. “But instead of using that time to prepare ourselves, Donald Trump squandered it. Now here we are, more than three months later, and we’re hardly better prepared than we were in March.”

Polls track the increasing voter dissatisfa­ction with Trump’s handling of the pandemic. Only 37% of

Americans approve, according to a recent Reuters/Ipsos poll, the lowest percentage since the survey launched in early March.

Trump’s overall job approval also has dropped significan­tly since March, a decline apparently partly tied to the spread of the coronaviru­s into more Republican­leaning territory, according to a survey released Tuesday by the Pew Research Center.

The poll, which sampled the same group of people in March and now, found that Trump’s standing had worsened from 52% disapprovi­ng and 45% approving in March to 59% versus 39% now. Almost one-fifth of people who had approved of Trump moved to disapprova­l. Those who switched were more likely to be younger, less well-off economical­ly and more likely to live in places hit hardest by the illness, the survey found.

Separate state polls confirm that Trump is struggling in places that he won handily in 2016. Two recent polls in Texas, one from Quinnipiac University and the other from Fox News, found the presidenti­al race in that long-red state to be a toss-up. Trump is also in trouble in Georgia, a state he won by more than 5 percentage points. And he is behind in most swing states, including Pennsylvan­ia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona and Florida, all of which he won in 2016.

As Trump stubbornly stays the course, refusing to wear a mask in public and deflecting responsibi­lity for the increased caseload, other Republican­s are no longer echoing his talking points. High-profile politician­s, including Vice President Mike Pence, have begun urging the public to wear masks, warning even voters following Trump’s example that they are putting their communitie­s at risk.

Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) encouraged the president to be a model. “The president has plenty of admirers,” he said. “They would follow his lead. It would help end this political debate. The stakes are too high for this political debate ... to continue.”

Just before Biden’s address, the Trump campaign accused him of politicizi­ng the coronaviru­s and repeated Trump’s claim that Biden fell short when the Obama administra­tion was confronted with the H1N1 flu outbreak.

Campaign officials challenged the validity of multiple independen­t polls showing Trump trailing badly in the race. And they accused Biden of hiding in his home basement broadcast studio in Delaware, holding virtual campaign events and providing few opportunit­ies for the media to ask questions.

“Joe Biden is hoping to ride out the next four months without having to answer any of these questions. He is not undergoing a thorough vetting,” said Tim Murtaugh, communicat­ions director for the Trump campaign. “He is not undergoing serious scrutiny because his advisors know he is not up to it.”

On Tuesday, Biden did, in fact, answer reporters’ questions for an extended period, including several about reports that Trump had been briefed about a plot by the Kremlin to pay Afghans to kill American soldiers. Biden called it a “derelictio­n of duty” that Trump didn’t act.

To a question about Trump’s repeated mockery of Biden’s cognitive health, the former vice president said: “All you’ve got to do is watch me. I can hardly wait to compare my cognitive capability to the cognitive capability of the man I am running against.”

Trump’s admirers ‘would follow his lead .... The stakes are too high for this political debate ... to continue.’ — Lamar Alexander, GOP senator from Tennessee, urging Trump to wear a mask

 ?? Patrick Semansky Associated Press ?? “AS OTHER LEADERS in other countries took the necessary steps to get the virus under control,” Joe Biden said Tuesday, “Donald Trump failed us.”
Patrick Semansky Associated Press “AS OTHER LEADERS in other countries took the necessary steps to get the virus under control,” Joe Biden said Tuesday, “Donald Trump failed us.”

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