Los Angeles Times

New neighbor is squirrelly


Dear Amy: We have just moved into a new semidetach­ed home and have not yet met the neighbor in the adjoining house.

We’ve noticed a trio of plump and happy squirrels who spend most of their time on a small tree just outside our window. Our yard and flower beds are constantly littered with storebough­t peanut shells. It is a disgusting mess.

Amy, there is not a single moment that I’ve looked out the window and not seen a squirrel on our roof, tree or lawn, and they almost always have a peanut in their mouth. They are also digging our lawn to bits.

It seems that our wall-sharing neighbor is buying peanuts to feed the squirrels, and by the looks of it, she buys in bulk!

I think the neighbor should have to clean up the atrocious mess on our lawn and stop feeding these pests, but having that be our firstever communicat­ion doesn’t make for a friendly start.

Should we make a show of it by going out with gloves and garbage bags, trying to cover the tree and leaving squirrel repellent bottles outside? Or do we knock on the door and ask them to stop? The squirrels are living and feasting exclusivel­y on our side of the lawn!

Going Nuts in Niagara Falls

Dear Going Nuts: You should introduce yourselves to your neighbors. Ask them about the area, trash and recycling pickup, etc.

You also should ask them what they are doing about the squirrel infestatio­n. Ask if these rodents have been scampering across their roof, gnawing on the woodwork and chewing through their wiring.

Depending on how they respond, you can make it clear that you are going to do all you can to eradicate this trio. Say, “If you are feeding them, we hope you will stop.” Then, you can take all of the steps you mention. You should consider trapping the squirrels and relocating them to a far-off habitat.

Even though they are contributi­ng to it, I don’t agree that the neighbors should have to clean up the mess these squirrels leave on your lawn.

Dear Amy: I have three adult children. I raised them to thank people for gifts. But their friends do not.

I have given generously to these young people, for wedding registries, baby showers, etc. A few have thanked me, verbally or in a written note, but from the rest, nothing. This includes gifts that were on a registry, which the recipient clearly indicated they wanted.

A very sweet, kind, welleducat­ed young man told me once that he just didn’t acknowledg­e gifts, even if he likes them. He didn’t give me a reason. My question is: Why? Email/texting is easy, free and instantane­ous, unlike writing a note and having to pay postage and put it in a mailbox. It seems to be beneath them. Any ideas?

The Giver

Dear Giver: I agree with you that thanking people is easier than ever. Simply taking a picture of the item and sending the picture with a texted message of “Thank you!” to the giver is sufficient, in my book.

If someone declares to you that he never thanks people for anything, then I think you should interpret this as a statement that he no longer wants gifts.

I’m not sure if this is a trend; I can assert that this is a perennial frustratio­n for many.

Send questions to Amy Dickinson by email to ask amy@amydickins­on.com.

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