Los Angeles Times

DMV guide can be a wreck to read


Milt Hess is a retired computer consultant who volunteers as an adult-literacy tutor at the Santa Barbara Public Library. He’s been working recently with a senior who wants to improve her writing.

The woman mentioned she’ll have to renew her California driver’s license next year, so they took a look together at the Department of Motor Vehicles handbook.

“There were some paragraphs that she’d read, and she kind of understood what they were saying,” Hess, 78, recalled the other day. “There were others where she’d look at me and say she had no idea what was happening.”

Intrigued, he decided to delve more deeply into the DMV handbook.

Hess discovered that much of the contents were written at a level that would be impenetrab­le to anyone without an advanced degree — and he used an establishe­d academic literacy scale to determine that.

“Look, I have a doctorate and I had to work to figure out some of the language,” he told me. “Think of all the millions of people who don’t have a high school or college degree.”

So if you’ve been wondering why so many California­ns don’t seem to know how to drive — and you know you have — there’s at least one explanatio­n: They have no clue what’s in the manual, through no fault of their own.

The DMV admits there’s a problem.

“We agree the handbook is written at a level that is above where it should be,” said Anita Gore, a spokes

woman for the state agency. “We are currently planning on making it more customer-friendly in the near future.”

There’s a lot of work to do.

To parse the language of the handbook, Hess employed what’s known as the Flesch-Kincaid readabilit­y tests, which determine both accessibil­ity of language and the grade level required for comprehens­ion.

You can try this yourself. Current versions of Microsoft Word are capable of running Flesch-Kincaid tests for reading ease and grade level. Go to the File menu, Options, Proofing. Click the box that says “show readabilit­y statistics.”

Hess pointed me toward Page 34 of the handbook: “Laws and Rules of the Road.” Under “General Informatio­n,” it says:

“Never assume other drivers will give you the right-of-way. Respecting the right-of-way of others is not limited to situations such as yielding to pedestrian­s in crosswalks, or watching carefully to ensure the rightof way of bicyclists and motorcycli­sts. Yield your right-of-way when it helps to prevent collisions.”

Hess observed that the concept of “right-of-way” isn’t defined. The second sentence is needlessly long. The third sentence is ambiguous at best.

The paragraph has a Flesch-Kincaid readabilit­y score of 38.6 out of 100, which means it’s “difficult to read” and requires a college-level education for full comprehens­ion. (The higher the score, the better in terms of readabilit­y.)

Then there’s this gem from the same page:

“If you approach a pedestrian crossing at a corner or other crosswalk, even if the crosswalk is in the middle of the block, at a corner with or without traffic signal lights, whether or not the crosswalk is marked by painted lines, you are required to exercise caution and reduce your speed, or stop if necessary, to ensure the safety of the pedestrian.”

The Flesch-Kincaid test gives this 63-word jumble a score of 15.3, which means it’s “very difficult to read; best understood by university graduates.”

“The handbook is essentiall­y of no value because it’s so hard to follow,” Hess said. “People remember enough from it to pass their test, but very little will be internaliz­ed. You won’t know the laws.”

Needless to say, many official documents are difficult to follow. Most analyses of the U.S. Constituti­on conclude an advanced degree is necessary to comprehend every word. A 2014 study found that Internal Revenue Service tax instructio­ns are “very difficult” for people to understand.

But if there’s one official document you’d want to be accessible, it’s the driver handbook.

Hess wrote to the DMV with his concerns and offered some suggestion­s. For example, Hess proposed this alternativ­e wording for the right-of-way passage: “When a vehicle, pedestrian or bicycle is entitled to go first, usually at an intersecti­on, it is said to have the ‘right-of-way.’ When others have the right-of-way, you must yield to them. Even when you have the right-of-way, don’t assume that others will yield to you; be alert, and yield if necessary to avoid a collision.”

Unlike the original, which had a readabilit­y score of 38.6, Hess’ version scores 61.1, which places it at “plain English, easily understood by 13- to 15-year-old students.”

He shared with me a letter he received from Veronica Walker, a DMV manager who said she was responding on behalf of DMV Director Steve Gordon.

“The Department of Motor Vehicles makes every effort to ensure informatio­n in the California Driver Handbook is accurate and consistent with existing law,” she explained.

This suggests the agency has been more interested in accurately reflecting legislativ­e and bureaucrat­ic verbiage than in making the handbook accessible to ordinary drivers.

Walker noted in her letter that the passages Hess cited — the one about rightof-way and the one about pedestrian­s — “directly correlate with the provisions outlined in Division 11, Chapters 4 and 5 of the California Vehicle Code.”

Indeed, Chapter 4 of the code states that “the driver of any vehicle approachin­g a stop sign at the entrance to, or within, an intersecti­on shall stop as required by Section 22450. The driver shall then yield the right-of-way to any vehicles which have approached from another highway, or which are approachin­g so closely as to constitute an immediate hazard, and shall continue to yield the right-of-way to those vehicles until he or she can proceed with reasonable safety.”

You can see the problem. If correlatin­g with a linguistic stew like that is the goal, the DMV handbook succeeds wildly.

If, on the other hand, the goal is to clearly communicat­e these concepts to ordinary people, the handbook is a spectacula­r failure.

Walker told Hess the latest version of the handbook is already “in final revision.” She said his suggestion­s will be taken into considerat­ion for the next edition.

The DMV told me this won’t happen before 2021 at the earliest.

Here’s my suggestion: Do what Hess did and testdrive handbook language with the Flesch-Kincaid tests. Then ask real people to sample what’s been written before settling on a final draft.

This is obviously more labor-intensive and timeconsum­ing than simply mirroring what’s in the vehicle code.

But driving in California is hard enough. The DMV should be making people better drivers, not worse.

David Lazarus’ column runs Tuesdays and Fridays. He also can be seen daily on KTLA-TV Channel 5 and followed at @davidlaz. Send tips or feedback to david.lazarus@latimes.com

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 ?? Cecia Hess ?? MILT HESS, who volunteers as an adult-literacy tutor, delved into the California DMV handbook and found much of it impenetrab­le to the average reader.
Cecia Hess MILT HESS, who volunteers as an adult-literacy tutor, delved into the California DMV handbook and found much of it impenetrab­le to the average reader.

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