Los Angeles Times

GOP tax bill may lead to big Medicare cuts

50 million people rely on the program, and shrinking it won’t be easy

- By Noam N. Levey noam.levey@latimes.com Twitter: @noamlevey

WASHINGTON — As congressio­nal Republican­s move forward with their tax legislatio­n, there are growing concerns that the costs, which are projected to increase the deficit by $1.5 trillion over the next decade, will force a host of big cuts in government programs, including Medicare.

The Medicare cuts alone are projected to hit $25 billion next year, according to the nonpartisa­n Congressio­nal Budget Office, and would increase steadily by 2026.

That would violate President Trump’s promise not to cut the healthcare entitlemen­t program.

How would the cuts happen, and what would they mean for the more than 50 million elderly and disabled Americans who rely on Medicare for health coverage? Here are some answers.

Why are such cuts necessary?

For nearly three decades, Congress has operated under a set of arcane spending rules designed to control deficits.

These rules — known as pay as you go, or PAYGO — have been supported by Republican­s and Democrats, and typically require legislatio­n that increases the deficit to be offset by cuts to keep spending under control.

The GOP tax bill approved Thursday by the House and another being considered in the Senate are projected to explode the deficit by about $1.5 trillion over the next decade.

To comply with these spending rules, the federal government will be required to cut $1.5 trillion in spending over the next decade, or about $150 billion a year.

How would that work?

The responsibi­lity for implementi­ng the cuts falls to the White House Office of Management and Budget.

But not everything can be cut.

For example, the PAYGO rules prohibit any cuts to Social Security payments to retirees. Also off the table are government programs that serve low-income Americans, such as Medicaid, the safety net insurance plan.

Other government programs, such as agricultur­al subsidies and student loans, would be on the chopping block, however.

So would Medicare.

What would Medicare cuts look like?

The federal government could only cut 4% of Medicare spending under PAYGO rules.

That would be spread across the many medical providers and insurers that Medicare pays. For example, hospitals and doctors that care for Medicare patients would probably see their fees cut.

Insurers that offer popular Medicare Advantage plans to millions of seniors would also see reductions.

How would that impact Medicare patients? That’s hard to say. The federal government has periodical­ly cut payments to providers and insurers that participat­e in Medicare to control spending.

These cuts often generate dire warnings from doctors, hospitals and others that seniors will lose access to vital medical services. To date, there has been little evidence that this has occurred in a widespread fashion.

But the 4% cuts would come on top of a 2% reduction in Medicare payments that was implemente­d four years ago under budget legislatio­n approved by Congress in 2011.

For some doctors and hospitals that are heavily dependent on Medicare — especially in rural parts of the country where few patients have commercial health insurance — those cuts could be particular­ly painful.

That, in turn, could increase pressure on some facilities to close or limit how many Medicare patients they care for.

Couldn’t lawmakers just waive these rules?

The prospect of big Medicare cuts could be a problem for Republican­s, who have paid a political price in the past for going after the entitlemen­t.

But waiving the PAYGO rules — as Congress has done in the past — is no easy task.

The rules can only be waived with a 60-vote supermajor­ity in the Senate, meaning Democrats and Republican­s would have to agree because the GOP currently has 52 votes.

The problem is that some Republican­s may not want to waive the rules because they don’t object to such major cuts to government programs.

At the same time, Democrats argue that GOP lawmakers are trying to ram through tax cuts that benefit wealthy taxpayers and large corporatio­ns at the expense of middle- and lower-class Americans.

Many of them are unlikely to back a move — like waiving PAYGO rules — that would make passing such tax cuts easier.

 ?? Manuel Balce Ceneta Associated Press ?? DEMOCRATIC House members speak in October against Republican efforts to curb Medicare. Current GOP tax legislatio­n could trigger reductions to the government program to help offset $1.5 trillion in tax cuts.
Manuel Balce Ceneta Associated Press DEMOCRATIC House members speak in October against Republican efforts to curb Medicare. Current GOP tax legislatio­n could trigger reductions to the government program to help offset $1.5 trillion in tax cuts.

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