Los Angeles Times

USC-Boermeeste­r case is cited by DeVos

- staff and wire reports

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, who said Thursday that the system for handling sexual assaults on college campuses is broken and, used — without naming him — Matt Boermeeste­r and USC’s investigat­ion into allegation­s against him, as an example.

DeVos outlined her plans to review some of the controvers­ial Obama-era guidelines for investigat­ing sexual assaults during a speech at George Mason University in Virginia. She included an anecdote about a “disturbing case in California” between an athlete and his girlfriend.

USC expelled Boermeeste­r after a school investigat­ion found he had put his hands around the neck of his girlfriend, Zoe Katz, and pushed her into a wall. Katz said Title IX Office investigat­ors ignored her assertion that Boermeeste­r never abused her.

“The young woman repeatedly assured campus officials she had not been abused nor had any misconduct occurred,” DeVos said. “But because of the failed system, university administra­tors told her they knew better.”

USC disputed that account. The school filed a court document in August that said Katz had changed her story. The filing said Katz, referred to as “Jane Roe,” initially confirmed witnesses’ version of events and reported she “often had bruises on her legs or arms from petitioner [Boermeeste­r] because he would hit or grab her tightly when he was angry.”

Boermeeste­r is scheduled for a show-cause hearing Friday in Los Angeles County Superior Court, where a judge is expected to rule on whether to reverse his expulsion. — Zach Helfand

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